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Watermelon Cleanse

Whole and cut watermelon

Watermelon Cleanse Day

Cleanse & Fruit Fast Using Watermelon

Sorry those on P2 you will need to bookmark this info for when you are not on a round but would like something simple, easy and yummy to cleanse and drop some lbs with.

This is GREAT during the hot summer months.

Watermelon is in season during the summer so it is at its optimum best and it is really refreshing throughout the day. You of course will stay hydrated and it helps flush out your system.

I’m going to date myself but do any of you remember the “Beverly Hills Diet”. One of the fruit days on that diet was watermelon. Another day was pineapple and though I LOVE pineapple the problem with trying to do that ALL day is it can start to cause mouth irritation. Especially if you are not eating a completely ripe pineapple – OUCH!

Watermelon is mild on your system and the premise in the “Beverly Hills Diet” was that it helped with flushing out salts that caused water retention. For example after eating Chinese or deli food the night before.

The book said to be the” Diet of the Eighties”. Just leafing through it to be sure the example was what I remembered it makes me think, ” I have gotten so many different little tid-bits through my years of dieting. Through what I have learned and experienced with how the different methods have worked for me (or maybe didn’t work) my willingness to be a lab rat gives me the chance to help all of you!

Now-a days the buzz words or phrases are “calorie confusion” or “cheat days” to help your body lose fat, not stall or drop some lbs that have crept back up the scale. It is certainly a constant process of learning at least for me.

How to Do a Watermelon Day

You can actually do this for more than one day if you would like to.

You can have as much watermelon as you would like as long as you don’t float away – LOL

And YES-You will be going to the bathroom a lot…All that water has to go somewhere.

If you don’t want to get up in the middle of the night you will want to decide when your last serving if melon should be.

If you do wake up needing to go..Get up and go. You don’t want your body absorbing the fluid back into your system.

Like I said in the beginning this is a great flush to do during the summer months. Pick a day when you are busy and it would be tough to set aside time for a meal. Just be sure you have the melon prepped so it is cut up and in a container so it is easy to pop the cubes pieces in your mouth.

To sum up my thoughts;

Back when I was doing weight watchers WAY before I knew HCG ever existed I would do a watermelon day the day before my weight watcher weekly weigh in and I always had a great weigh in…I know, I know “what a cheater” – LOL…But yeah  it worked (wink). Since that time it has been years since I thought about doing this but when I was watching a guy on YouTube that is pretty popular and last year lost 100 lbs he now does vlogs answering viewer questions on how he is keeping the weight off. He talked about days when we eat only fruit to clean out his system. The day before I decided to do the watermelon day I did a fruit day. I ate a combo of pineapple, strawberries, a little watermelon, mango and papaya. I didn’t feel as cleaned out as I thought I would and I was a bit hungrier than I expected considering I wasn’t limiting how much fruit I ate. On that day one of the last things I ate was the watermelon and it was so satisfying it reminded me about my past experience with it.

Here is another interesting thing about what I did on that day.

I was doing my blog post about apple cider vinegar on that day so when I took the picture of the vinegar in the shot glass I thought, “oh what the heck I might as well just drink it”. Right after that (get ready for TMI) I started cleaning out really well. It was actually a great feeling because it felt and sorry looked like a lot of sludge that needed to GO was going -Oh and by the way the scale was down 2.4 lbs the next morning – YAY!

It is again one of those things where every “body” is different so you just have to try it for yourself and see how you like it.


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