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What Products Can I Use On HCG ?

HCG & Skin and Haircare Products

na-PCA,Enjoy,Redken,Dr Jart+,Bio-Oil

Na-PCA is non oily

Anyone that did their due diligence and read Pounds & Inches remember the story about the lady that wasn’t getting releases because of the make up she was using.

I am sure that back in the 60’s the products then had far more oil ingredients.

But because avoiding oil while on HCG below are the main questions I get asked on a regular basis;




Questions –

Do you know of a moisturizer that does not contain oil?

What shampoo and conditioner products did you use when using HCG?

What Makeup do you use when you are on an HCG P2 Round?


Before I go further and say what I used when I was on my HCG rounds I can not stress enough that every body is different. It is important to journal just about everything you do while on your round and that could include what you are putting on your skin.

Personally if you are starting HCG for the 1st time and you are not adding new products at the same time and your releases are staying consistent you are obviously not overly sensitive to the point where the products you are currently using will slow you down.

And if that is the case you are probably good about not using products that are all that oily.

I better interject that one thing I stopped doing when I started HCG was I had used baby oil that I would put on after I took a shower and before I would towel off. I had heard that was a great trick to really soft skin. BUT since I knew that would be full on oil I shelved that regime during my HCG journey and actually just recently remembered to start doing that again.


Now on to the answers to the questions from the beginning of this post –

There is a moisturizer spray Na-PCA that you can get online or at whole foods that states that it is specifically non-oily moisturizer.

Other than that I don’t think actual brands that I use will make a difference in your results. Mineral based make up is good but I don’t use all the time. And shampoo etc is for the most part Redken & Enjoy products. My side work is doing private hair clients. I of course use gloves when I am doing my color clients but as far as fixatives (straightening balms or serum or mousse) I puy the product right in my hand and did not have a problem with releases slowing because of the products  being put in my hands.  My “Rule of Thumb” is as long as it is not super oily it is ok, hopefully you understand what I mean.

I never had a massage while I was on my HCG journey so I didn’t have to be concerned with massage lotion or oil in that respect.. During rounds I won’t use full blown oil products directly on my skin, tend toward water soluble products. Example I like Bio-oil (PurCellin) but will not use it while on P2. For me it boils down to this, I like to stay as pure to Simeon protocol as possible while on P2 when it comes to food selections. But make up etc. I put Dr Jart+ BB Black Label on my face and everything else is pretty much mineral based products.

It is my opinion that there may be some people that will be overly sensitive to products outside of the food consumption. Yet for the most part as long as you stay away from full blown oil products the rest of the products won’t be an issue because I’m sure product ingredients have changed a lot since the 1960’s when Simeon was treating his patients.

Ironically some oil based supplements have helped with fat release while on HCG Phase 2 (p2).


f you would like to find an online resource to get the products I have mentioned simply click on the items picture below

Na-PCA (non oily moisturizer)

Dr Jart+

Enjoy Hair Products

Redken Shampoo

Bio-Oil (Not reccomended using on P2)

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