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This is my personal HCG weight loss journey. I am not a doctor or in the medical profession. If you decide to follow this weight loss method it is up to you to do your due diligence and research and or if you so choose check with your doctor.
I have battled my weight since childhood and have tried just about every weight loss method. I have not done any surgeries for weight loss (lap band, gastric bypass etc.)
I am excited about what HCG and the Dr Simeon’s protocol was able to do for me and hope to help many others achieve success with their personal weight loss goals.


62 Responses to About

  • CeeGee says:

    Colleen…. thank you for sharing your story, you are truly an inspiration for anyone interested and hopefully committed to making a positive change for ‘The Health of It’

  • Debbie King says:

    yes, love your site. i am 53, looking and feeling good …thank you to hcg too. but huge problem …the loss of hair..your hair looks wonderful..but what age are you?
    i do everything you can imagine to keep my shoulder length blond hair..was so lusterous and thick! i use special shampoos for hair loss, tons of supplements…and as of lately doing bioidentical hormones…as i had a full hysterectomy years ago…and have a very LOW thyroid…on Rx thyroid…now…a lot and still my temp. does not want to come up… i go to very very/top notch docs..both my hubby and i are best friends, love life and health… but…so much hair loss…and the hair is very icky…like doll hair/and strawish.
    I have a bone to pick with a lot of hcg jargon out there on hair loss. now mind you i am NOT a negative person but one of truth and some science and…not one to hear soemthing and not think about it and …wonder..where in the world did they come up with that?
    Now yes, hormones change when pregnant…but NEVER ever in all my years of having children, grandbaby…and life…every heard of a pregnant woman losing this much hair…and how the hair feels…I hear nonstop online and from friends with awful looking hair /ready for a wig. …and….NEVER ever have i ever heard or seen any wt. loss pt. /person with this much hair loss history…ever that lost a ton of wt…and are almost going bald…other than maybe???? a bipass pt…maybe???
    SO…this is my theory and throwing it out to you.
    I see many woman who are near the menopausal years…
    who have LOW thyroid , esp. mixed with the lack of hormones…LOSE hair!!!
    I think…the hcg…is the hormone/or factor so to speak that just pushes us ladies…over the hormone edge…to hair loss!!! Hair loss=LOW estrogen / Hair loss=LOW thyroid…google and learn…I see and hear a very very close repeating story here in most to all hcg hair loss stories.

    On bioidentical hormones
    On thyroid
    Sincerely, Debbie
    any ideas?

    • colleen says:

      Hi Debbie,
      I remember both times I was pregnant my hair grew wonderfully but once the pregnancy was over it some hair fell out and growth rate lacked big time. For me before hcg I was having a terrible time with a lot of hair coming out. I got tested just before hcg and found that I had not only low thyroid but also was vitamin D deficient. Both of those deficiencies can cause hair loss. My doctor put me on thyroid medication and RX strength vitamin D. Then I went on HCG. The hairloss stopped. I was concerned about the accelerating once I stopped hcg. It simply has not been a problem. During HCG and now the vitamin I like the best for hair, skin and nails is from Trader Joes of all places. I’m trying another brand right now but be literally stinks. Not in performance but actual smell. So unless it turns me into Rupnzel I don’t think I will be recommending it. Do you also take vitamin D? I’m just wondering if that might be your missing link. I know they say to get an idea of when you will go through menopause you should know when your mom or sisters go through it. I don’t have any sisters and my mom had a hysterectomy in her 30’s so I have no clue when my time will come. I will check on the google search you mentioned as well. I do pray that a solution is found for you ans anyone going through what you are describing I know how freaked I was getting before it was figured out that I had those 2 deficiencies. I completely understand the severity of what you are going through!Please keep me posted.

      • Debbie King says:

        i take vit d/prescribed by doc.
        i had hyst/years ago…
        taking bioidentical hormones/rx by doc
        i feel awesome on them…
        my thyroid was tested when first using hcg/ YES, low in the middle rang blood test/ but….the truth tho is in your body temp. mainly/first waking temps.
        doc/sharp one..told me if??? you are lower than what should be at 98.7 !!! your immune system is in a fight.
        so far 4grains of Rx nature-throid…hardly a bump in temp..which runs in the 96 range! as i said in the above detailed letter…low estrogen=hair loss/ low thyroid=hair loss.
        i started hcg after the fact… but trying to regain it back.
        lost my wt. /25 pounds and now at goal wt…love it..but miss my hair. i take hair supps/like crazy/i am proactive on this. has anyone out there ordered from the product, “hair essentials”…that add pops up all over the place on my computer. w/tons and tons of good/positive reviews.
        my comment and question to you all is this tho as stated above/…don’t you see a pattern here?…hair loss yes, w/hcg..but at this rate with so many ladies…who are at the ages of 40 plus and on thru..when hormones lessen and thyroid really drops?
        ladies…its easy to find out: 1. call your doc for a hormone panel…and that includes thyroid too! 2. take your body temp in the a.m.when you first wake/before potty /or moving… IF?? its at least before 98. 6 or .7…you have a slow thyroid!!! Then google the effects of both LOW estrogen/thyroid..mix that together and what do you have!…my quests. directed to you ladies of those ages/ 40 and up…do you see how maybe??? the hcg…just pushed that nasty hair loss…over the edge????
        i would like to see a study on this. and…also think about this?…i don’t know a soul who lost a lot of wt…even fast…that lost this much hair , so fast and…at such numbers in people!…esp. and only ladies???? something is going on here. from the above reply letter from colleen…i read that she got things worked out by taking thyroid ect…see??? …there is a pattern hcg people should follow. as it stands right now…my doc may put me on a solid T3 thyroid/natural to boost that temp UP…then i feel stronger and my hair should GROW!! I would like to go back now in time…before hcg… do a thyroid panel/ body temp for 10 days…before the hcg/… and make sure my hormones are looking UP. i can’t put hcg down tho…it did change my life..made me feel happier and life worth the living in my own SKIN…i love that so much. have you done your homework with hcg and anti aging docs??? its tough…but research reads with very excellent docs/…they do hcg once or twice a week to keep hypothalmus UP and their vitality. yes… men do very well on hcg…its healing to their hormones…. don’t ask me where i found this and know of this info… can’t give that out..but trust me. google such info and maybe you’ll find it too. just think tho..if we combo this hcg lifestyle with all our bioidentical hormones together! Amazing… I am feeling amazing lately…just wish i had my hair to go with it. until next time…let us all be researchers, ask questions…and learn. its exciting and makes us deeper people with a solid purpose…to live STRONG and very happy. I am thanking God for this..hcg and the story. it changed me…and my husband… Best to you all… and maybe we can all just suggest something here that makes a diff for others with hair loss…ya know ladies…our hair is our glory! smile.

        • colleen says:

          Hi Debbie – You bring up some valid points and I think it is good info to put out so people can research etc.
          It is really interesting that for me I was having a lot of hair loss until I started hcg. When I completed my rounds in Oct,10 I was concerned it might start again but I have been fine. But I am not in a menopausal situation, my hormones were tested before hcg which was when they found out about my thyroid and vitamin D deficiency. Though now my vitamin D is fine.

  • Shannon says:

    I was JUST noting recently with a couple of visits to the doctor, that my body temperature has been higher than it ever was. I ALWAYS ran low, 96.8 was normal for me so that if the thermometer ever read 98.6 I had a fever! But, NOW it has consistently been running 98.4 with no fever symptoms! I believe it is because I am finally balancing my hormones. I’m wishing I could have done this years ago, even when I was young and producing more hormones. They weren’t balanced like they are now. I’m also looking into using hcg for the rest of my life, as Debbie suggests and am starting to do the research on it. Has anyone else noticed a weak form of hcg cropping up in stores everywhere? My first reaction is that this is businesses way of capitalizing on the hcg phenom. But, now I’m wondering about the healthy benefits of dosing once or twice a week without dieting. Debbie, I’d sure like to know the name of the doctor you hint at. I’ll see if I can find the name by doing some research as you suggest.

  • Jessica says:

    Hi, Colleen! Thanks so much for all this wonderful info. You are so amazing to take the time to share your experience, advice and recommendations for us follow and newbie HCGers… I have a couple of questions for you since this is the firt time I am doing this on my own.I have had good results of 11.6 lbs in 22 days… But here are my concerns maybe you can provide some insight on.

    1. I was expecting a much bigger loss, although 11.6 is great! I am seeing WAY bigger losses for so many other people so I am getting a bit discouraged… =( and since I am doing about 30 ish days, I was thinking about increasing to 46 days, but don’t know if it is worth it at the rate I am going…

    2. I have also noticed my body losing inches, but not really around my tummy area, or upper arms which are the HUGEST problem areas for me. I only noticing a great difference in my thighs, hips and buttocks, (mainly the last). Do you think this is normal? I am starting to think maybe my HCG is not potent or I may be doing something wrong…

    I have cut out melba/grissini out and sometimes only eat one fruit. I am following Dr. S original protocol, so I do not know why these results seem to be “not normal” or failry low… Do you think I may just have too high expectations?

    Also, what do you feel about exercising, like ab work and arm/leg toning?

    Anyway, thanks for the blog and youtube! You are awesome!

    • colleen says:

      Hi Jessica,
      Before I can recommend anything diet wise I need to know what method of HCG did you choose?
      As far as the exercise I feel that it completely depends if you were already doing that type of exercise before protocol or not. If your body isn’t use to it I don’t think this the right time to start. But if this is something you have done prior to protocol then your body won’t be “shocked” by it and you should be fine.

      Let me know about the hcg so I can help you further.
      Colleen =)

      • Jessica says:

        Sure thing! Thanks… I am doing injections 5000iu and started off at 150 but a week and 1/2 into it, I lowered it to 125. Some days I will do anywhere from 125-145… I will only slightly increase it if the day before I was a bit hungrier than I am comfortable with, or if my cravings are outa this world, so I have only done this about 3 times after starting 125. Um other than that? i am not sure what is going on. As for the exercise, i was going to the gym for about 3-4 weeks prior to beginning HCG… but cut it out when I started… Thanks again

        • colleen says:

          Hi Jessica,
          Your questions are wonderful. I created a post so between your questions and my answers we both can help as many people possible – Thank you so much for your help!

  • suzie says:

    Hi Colleen,
    wow i feel like a voyer reading through all your vlogs and tons of great info . You are so beautiful and such inspiration for me !! I am on R1P2D26 and 24 lbs gone for ever! feel like i have found the magic thing to finally get my metabolism turned on . I will never be over weight again… so to my question..
    I am on a 60 day protocol from my Naturopath . knowing i have more weight to loose i purchased some HuCog now realizing it may be different from HCG .. it has not arrived yet.. what is the difference?
    thanks , suzie

    • colleen says:

      Hi Suzie,

      Original protocol was either 23 or 40 day rounds. Why did you choose 60 days and will you be skipping dosing once a week to ward off immunity?
      Hucog is fine, it is one of the brands of HCG. Congrats on your wonderful release and progress, you are doing awesome!

      Colleen =)

      • suzie says:

        Hi Colleen
        yes i am only doing 6 days a week of injections.. not having any clue about 30 and 40 day protocols she gave me the option of a 30 or 60 day supply ($$$) have no friends that have ever done it and had never even heard about HCG. Somehow have stumbled on to youtube . WOW~! I’ll be curious to see how i do after the 40 day mark and if it seems “to be not working ” ie: starving , i will stop ( do not want any immunity !!as i plan on doing more rounds) thanks for the relpy!!

  • MinnieME says:

    Hi Colleen,

    Thank you for all the wonderful information. I had been scouring the internet for weeks, before jumping in and going for it. Today is my R1VLCD1. I am doing the injections. Your site and vlogs are the best. I have read P&I at least 3 times, but still can’t figure this out: Simeons says no more than 40 injections in a round. So I did a chart accounting for the one day a week of no injections and then planning no injections for the 3-4 days when TOM arrives. That puts my entire round at about 49-50 days total not counting the last 3 VLCD days with no injections. Does this sound right?


    • colleen says:

      Hi Minnie,
      I appreciate your encouragement!
      Even with the “breaks” if you do a 40 day round it is exactly that. 40 days (including the 1 day off each week) and the TOM) 72 hour dial down off the HCG then begin P3.
      I hope this helps!

  • tina says:

    Hello my name is Patina,

    I can across some of your vlog for hcg. I am on the hcg injections. I thank God for you vlog’s. You have help me out with the hcg just for the last 2 days. I looked at most of all your vlogs on yesterday on my day off. Just doing some research more about the hcg program. I have loss about 21lbs in a month. I been have some problem some days. I was just wanted to know if you could be a help to me with some thing during the hcg. I need to lose about 55 more lbs. If you don’t mind can you please be a help to me. Can you please email me and let me know if you could help.

  • MiniMe says:

    thanks! sorry i didn’t see the response till now. Anyway, your before / after is a true inspiration. Congrats! VLCD16 and still kind of struggling with getting the dosage right – injections. I’m a bit frustrated, but today was much better in terms of hunger. Did you have any trouble getting your dosage right? Do you have any tricks?

    • colleen says:

      Hi Christine,

      Since you are on VLCD 16 I would think that you would have found your “sweet spot” at this point. Though 125 is the average dosage it depends for each person individually. AND it doesn’t mean more is better with HCG either. If you are increasing and that doesn’t work try backing off by 5 at a time. As far as my experience, it took me about a week to experience what everyone was talking about when it came to “not caring” about food. It is more like that gnawing hunger goes away. But remember, we are human so mental food thoughts are different than physical hunger. Only you will know what you think your experience is. I have had people in the past say they know the hunger is in control but the emotions that trigger eating is a whole different thing. You know what I mean?
      Are you journaling what you are eating so you can figure out if there is a “common thread” that lets you know what might need to be “tweaked” Have you watched my vlog on supplement and which ones help with cravings. Also, either try the cali kickers or the ACV& MCT shots. I vlogged about all that too and have it on the website. All have helped with hunger and much more! If there is still a hunger issue test your hcg with a pregnancy test to make sure it is potent ( you can get a cheap kit at a dollar store).

      I hope I have been able to help!
      Colleen 🙂

  • Jamie Miranda says:

    I have been looking into starting with HCG. Am I the only one that is scared by how complicated this sounds. Is it easier to figure out then it sounds? Also I have read that it is illegal in the states for the “real” HCG so exactly what is it that people are using? One more question to help me decide on going the HCG way…is the sublingual the same as the injection and does one work better than the other? I have not seen these questions addressed anywhere. Thanks..

    • colleen says:

      Hi Jamie,

      It is a lot to wrap your head around. Read pound and inches to REALLY understand why this works so well. I have both a pdf or a link to an audiobook so you can get the info. Since you are interested in doing sub I have a post on this website featuring who I feel is the total expert on doing HCG sub-lingual. You can also find her on youtube channel name mamaclok. Speaking of you tube, not only did I read pounds and inches I also watched many vlogs on you tube so I could understand how people were doing hcg. Since I started there are so many more choices that I’m still not fully convinced is the “real deal”. Now to answer your “where to get real hcg”. I have a link on my site of the 3 places I have ordered from. Reliable Pharmacy which is the link on top of the 3 is the one I like best. It sounds funny to say but they are Reliable 😉 All 3 are off shore and you purchase online.The thing about the clinics here in the states that offer the hcg program charge so much money. Here is a story for you, a friend if mine that didn’t know I was doing hcg went to a clinic. The day she said “have you heard of HCG” I told her I could totally help her. She had already gone to a clinic for the hcg and food plan. She said the doctor was overweight and everyone that worked there said they had not done hcg themselves. They convinced her that she should buy additional food supplements. Snack bars, shakes etc that were very spendy. I answered a bunch of her questions and she said the clinic didn’t help her near as much as I had when it came to really understanding what protocol was all about.

      Bottom line – HCG has totally made me better than I could have ever imagined,I only wish I would have known about it sooner!

      Colleen =)
      Please let me know if I can help further.

  • Jamie Miranda says:

    I am back with a few more questions. I just finished reading Dr. Simeons book. I am confused about your taking supplements while on the diet. Dr. Simeons strictly forbids it. I too am a supplement aholic.. Did you take supplements the whole time you did the diet? I take fish oil, borage oil and flax seed oil, will that effect the diet? I take many other supplements as well and going to look into the ones you take. Don’t want to have an issue with hair loss as I have always had fine hair that does not grow very fast but pretty healthy.
    I think I understand the diet now and not so concerned about it being difficult. Seems pretty straight forward except the supplements. I am grateful for the help..

  • Heidi Richardson says:

    I, too, am glad I found your blog!! I just started my second round. This time I am doing the homeopathic drops, and the first round I did the injections from a doctor. I did ok on the injections but i knew more than the dr that was giving them to me. So, I really couldn’t find a reason to pay more money and do the injections. Anyway, I am really having a hard time this round! I find myself cheating again and again!! I have done better today, but just stayed on the food list but had more than I was suppose to. Tomorrow I am going to write stuff down to see if that helps. My 13 year old daughter is doing it with me. She didn’t make cheer last year and is determined to make it next year. And, losing some weight will help her jump higher and strength for tumbling. I just need some advice on sticking to the protocol!! I desperately want to be successful at changing my food choices! I do NOT want food to control my life!! I want to feel healthy and happy!! Any advice for me would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much in advance for your time~Heidi

    • colleen says:

      Hi Heidi,
      Good for you and your daughter – what a great buddy system!
      Now if the HCG is good and you are getting the right dose you shouldn’t have really bad hunger. So caring about food basically is non existent. So is your cheating due to hunger or maybe emotions and triggers like that? Writing a food journal is very enlightening. Drink plenty of water and try a doing the cali kickers. And please answer the hunger question so i can help further.
      Colleen =)

  • Heidi Richardson says:

    Lol….I did not read your earlier post, but it sounds like I had an experience like your friends! So sad!! That is super frustrating!! I hope these homeopathic drops work!! People on her FB page say they work, so I guess we’ll see!

  • Renee Phillips says:

    Thank for all the great information. I have just learned of hcg. I just have some basic questions to help decide which way to go.

    I see where you list suppliers you have purchased from, but not what brand you purchased/used. So basically I just would like to know what exactly did you use and how did you get it. Did you have to have a prescription?

    • colleen says:

      Hi Renee, A prescription wasn’t needed. I prefer to get Hucog brand or the generic version of it. I have also used Corion and it was fine too. To save on the shipping and handling I always purchased 3 at a time. And since I preferred to do 40 day rounds I would buy 5000 iu. I have the mixing breakdown on this blog for both 5000iu and 2000 iu. But I am most familiar with the 5000iu. The bacteriostatic water can be bought online from medical supply and even bodybuilder website.Sometimes Amazom and ebay too. My very first round I bought a supply “kit” that had everything to get started except for the hcg. After that because I had examples at my fingertips of what I needed I would get everything on my own.

  • Rosie says:

    Hi Colleen:
    There is only one thing that make me feel scheptic, why on your whole jorney we can’t see any pictures of you when you where fat? well I think that will be my best inspiration, because many people claim that they where fat, but you for real looks like a person with skinny complex, so we get the idea that you never was fat at all.

    • colleen says:

      Hi Rosie,
      Click here: Proof that HCG Works to see my blog post that has my before and after pictures.
      The before picture in this post was taken when I was on vacation to see family when I weighed approx 208 lbs.
      I usually hid from cameras but my brother got a few shots of me. Some as he was video taping while we were walking up trails (as I huff and puffed) and he was right behind me. I’m nit at my home computer but your comment has inspired me to collects a few pictures and create a new post with more of my before shots.
      Those that know me from my youtube vlogs and facebook have seen more pictures when I was that size.I tell myself now that I must take it as a compliment when people tell me I look like I was always thin.

  • Tia says:

    Hi Colleen,
    I stumbled on to your blog recently and have enjoyed all the information. My question for you is, have you posted where you obtained your initial diet information to get started? Did you begin this journey with doctor supervision or did you follow a guide that you are willing to share? It seems like there are so many clinics around town willing to put you on a costly program and from what I can tell, you did it yourself. Anything you are willing to share on this is appreciated. Best, Tia

    • colleen says:

      Hi Tia,
      My brother actually told me to go on youtube to learn more about the diet. later when I thanked him for the suggestion since it completely changed my life he didn’t even remember telling me to do that. When I started my journey hcg wasn’t such a “media buzz” so the vlogs on youtube were simply other great people sharing their journey. Through watching the vlogs I found out where is get the manuscript of the protocol and where to order the HCG and supplies for mixing. Thankfully another HCGer who I was following on youtube encouraged me to vlog too. I am so grateful that through the support, advice and ability to help others as well this experience completely changed my health, life etc. All that is what motivated me to start this blog so I could help others get the information. So to sure I answer your question, no I didn’t go to a doctor or clinic. Plus I have been told many times from people that have gone to a clinic that I was able to help them with questions and support than the place they had gone to did. Personally I was just glad I am able to help! 🙂

  • Scott says:

    Thank you so much for this site! It’s so inspiring to see your story! I’m taking a break for Christmas but I will continue on after. I only wanted to be a size 4, but after seeing your pictures….We’ll just have to see what my body says. There are NO LIMITS! Thank you!

  • JB says:

    Hi Colleen,

    First of all, thank you for taking the time to vlog and blog about your journey. Don’t get much time to get on the internet but the past few weeks that I started working out on the gym and when I am on the treadmill or elliptical, I watch your youtube channel. Sometimes, over and over because it is so inspirational and informative.

    I am torn. I have about 15-20 lbs that I want to lose. I did 3 round of HCG. I wanted to do another round before I started working a few weeks ago but the hubby wasn’t fond of HCG because it restricted a lot of our weekend plans. I tend to be a bit rigid when it comes to following the diet. Anyways, I would lose an average of 20-25 lbs but gain an average of 10 lbs between each rounds. The last two round, I wasn’t really strict on the p3 or p4 like I should.

    Just wanted to know your opinion. I do want to lose 20 lbs ultimately, maybe in the next 3 months. I like the HCG because it was fast but it seems that I always gain that 10 lbs in between. Should I just stick with working out or go back? What plan are you using now that you are not on HCG?


  • colleen says:

    Hi JB,
    What did you decide? I thought I had replied but am concerned that now it looks like I didn’t…so sorry! To lose 20lbs I would probably do another round. I know is is tough when husbands want you to join them in their eating plans.Usually at the 1st of the year there are so many people dieting it is kinda considered the “norm” so you get less hassled about it.
    Hum what plan am I on? Probably the best way to explain it is low glycemic. Like everyone else I had my share of treats during the Holidays but didn’t get out of hand. I don’t like how breads and pastas make me feel after I eat them so it is easy to stay away from those. So I i guess you could say I’m pretty low carb too but out of choice. When Dr Simeon said the protocol gets your body to be like a naturally thin person This might be what he meant. What I crave has changed so much, it’s crazy!

    • JB says:

      Hi Colleen,

      Thanks for responding. I have been checking regularly to see if your responded. I have been watching your youtube especially when I am on that treadmill. I really enjoy your enthusiasm and learning so much from you. I am on the MSM, MCT and ACV kick – lol.

      I have not done the round. Still waiting for my go signal because I know how this can lead to an argument easily. Right now, I am just working out moderately such as jogging on the treadmill and doing some light weights at least 3-5X a week.

      I wish I can do another round because 20 lbs will be vanish in about a month. Doing diets / working out takes so long. Know of any other plans where it’s not so restrictive and I can lose 10-20 lbs quick.

      Thanks again.

      • colleen says:

        Silly husbands!
        They want us in shape etc but they also want us to eat right along with them. If I pounded down all the food my husband happily consumes i don’t think I could even move.
        You have a wonderful attitude and that is going to get you to the goal you very much deserve. 🙂

  • Dee says:

    Hi Colleen,
    I have three questions for you….I am currently on R1VLCD12. So far – so good! I think I’ve watched all your vlogs and read every blog. They are such an inspiration…you have NO idea! You look awesome & I was just wondering how many rounds you did to get where you are AND do you mind sharing how tall you are? I want to look like you…lol. No, really I think you look great & I’m just trying to get an idea of how many rounds I’ll have to do. I am approx 5’6 (starting weight 187lbs) and my goal is 132lbs….which was my prebaby weight & those ‘babies’ are 16 & 18 yrs old now (I realize I may not lose at the same rate as you.) Lastly, how much time did you take between rounds? After three weeks on P3, how long did you wait until your next round? I appreaciate your all your help!!!!!!!!1

    • colleen says:

      Hi Denise,

      Wow lots of great questions!
      Check out my blog post explaining cycling or as some like to call it “interruptions” . I admit to having “load-phobia” so doing this method did 2 things. I didn’t have to load but I also understood that creating my “set point” would take a lot more diligence and willpower than those that decided to do the rounds and P3 duration correctly(which I highly respect). I am a VERY impatient person with myself so for me knew this route was the way I wanted to “roll”…lol. I began hcg January 17th 2010 and by mid May 2010 I was at a lower weight than my original goal I set for myself. I am 5’4” so I think for your height the goal you have decided on will be great! Plus with HCG don’t think you are limited to what you can accomplish. My size is better now than BEFORE having babies and my kids are 21 & 24…yikes where does the time go, they were my babies just yesterday! 😉

      • Dee says:

        I read your cycling blog & it answered my question. I’m anxious to get two rounds in before summer but I can always do another round later if I don’t hit my goal by then or if I decide to set a ‘new’ goal. Thanks for all your great information!

  • Mary Kay says:

    Hi Colleen:

    You look amazing! I love to listen to your vlogs because you make them fun. Thank you for offering your assistance to so many people. I have lost 65 pounds on hcg thus far, and would like to lose another 15 or so. I have turned on two other friends to your website and we’re getting ready to order some hcg. My questions are: When you’re cycling, what does your food plan look like on the “planned interruption” days? Do you try to keep your calories to just about 800, or do you go above? Do you eat cottage cheese like Dr. Simeons mentions? The idea of cycling appears to all three of us! So if I have this right, we’d start with two loading days. Then get around 15 to 20 vlcd’s under our belts, and an interruption of less than 14 days so we do not have to load again. Does this sound right? Thanks so much for all of your information.

    • colleen says:

      Hi Mary,

      Thank you for all your kind words. Since you only have 15 more you want to release why don’t you do the normal 23 or 40 day round and then you are done. I don’t know your friend goals but if they close to being done like you then yes you are correct about about the “less than 14 so you don’t have to load 😉 as far as the interruption days,I didn’t necessarily count calories though so many phone apps etc are making that so easy. For me it is more about staying clear of starches and sugars. Being aware of the glycemic index helps a lot. Low glycemic fruits instead of high. I’m not a bread or pasta person so that was easy enough. But sometimes so I would start back without temptations I would eat something I thought I might miss once back into a round. like Mexican food or ice cream. If I did have a small gain from the treat it was gone quick after resuming.Plus, you find as you do rounds what you want to eat for average meals changes. And of course you don’t want to eat as much as you use to either. I can’t stand feeling full or bloated. Hope that helps, keep me updated 🙂

      • Mary Kay says:

        Hi Colleen, thank you for your prompt reply last week. The reason I would like to break up a 40 day round is that I really don’t like being on the protocol! Don’t get me wrong, when I am on protocol, I have not cheated once, but these later rounds get harder and harder. I miss my half and half! Do you think that breaking up a 40 day round into two 20 days with a small break in between would be too counter-productive? Also, approximately how long does it take to receive the hcg from Reliable pharmacy? Thank you again–you rock!

        • colleen says:

          Hi Again!
          You basically want to “cycle” aka do interruptions. It will be fine as long as you are careful about what you add in to your food menu during the in between times. And understand that creating a new set point for long term weight maintenance may require more discipline on your part than other hcger’s that chose the standard procedure . I realized all of this when I made my choices and based on my lack of patience with myself I knew it was a good fit for me. As far as your shipment it really all depends on customs.I know the last order I placed cam a lot faster than I expected. It was awhile ago so I’m sorry that I don’t remember exact time frames. Have you gotten an email letting you know that it has shipped?
          keep me updated 🙂

  • Emanon says:

    Hi just found ur utube site cool stuff
    Quick question what does POP mean? How many days after fat fast should you stay on P2?
    BTW I’m on day one of your infamous creation The Mac Fat Fast:)
    Thx again

    • colleen says:

      POP means “perfect on protocol”…Dr Simeon’s protocol that is 😉
      You can be on your round the rest of your time on P2 after the fat fast. P2, P3, or any other diet plan , the success to the fast is to eat CLEAN. That being said that means, lean meat, and low glycemic fruits and veggies..If you are wondering what is low glycemic check my blog for the FULL rundown.
      PLEASE be sure ans let me know how you do with the fast…I love hearing the success stories – YAY for You!!! 😉

  • E.W. says:

    I’m on day 5 of phase 2, my first time doing the HCG diet, strictly followed. I’m just really struggling with being hungry, feeling tired and lightheaded. My aunt did the diet, used the same drops, etc, and was never hungry. Now, I have 4 young children (7,5,3,1) and wonder if I need to ingest a little more to offset the demands of my life? I don’t have a major weight loss – about 20 pounds. Thanks for all your posts – I watched several of your videos and its definitely inspired me to push forward, but I’d love to hear any thoughts you have on if I’m doing something “wrong”.

    • colleen says:

      Are you doing sub-lingual or ‘drops”. I still don’t have a lot of faith in some of the “hcg” that is out there right now. I am not sold on the fact that it truly is REAL hcg.Since you are running around after little ones up your protein to 800 cal total for the day and see if that helps.
      In the meantime make sure you really have hcg, I don’t want you starving!

  • Gabby says:

    Hi Colleen! Thank you soooo much for sharing your journey with us! You have a cute personality and are such an inspiration with your success. I lost 45 lbs. about a year ago on hcg and am afraid I’ve gained most if not all of it back… haven’t weighed because I’m afraid to, but my clothes don’t fit. I did a very long P2 with 2 planned interruptions to lose the weight and could not stabilize no matter what I did so finally gave up. I did so many steak days I was afraid I would have a heart attack or something. I’m not sure if it was because my round was just too long or because I ate miracle noodles and chocolate delight even though at the time it seemed to speed up my slow weight loss. I think I have low thyroid and that may be why I had very slow weight loss.

    Since I’m in my mid fifties, I did have saggy skin, so I had a tummy tuck and arm lift a couple months after ending hcg. I wish I would have made sure that I could keep my weight off before spending all that money! I now want to lose my weight again, but am afraid of the dreaded saggy skin. I’m just so mad at myself now, but am trying to move forward and make the best of things.

    I just found your youtube videos and haven’t gotten a chance to watch them all yet, but on one of them you had said that you were going to do everything strictly and wait until P3 to do the chocolate delight. Did you do everything by the book or did you go off protocal any during your P2’s? Have you still been maintaining all of your weight loss?

    Carol Ensminger (sp?) on youtube works with lots of people and thinks that it’s very important to eat the breadstick and the T. of milk during P2 to be able to eat it without gain in the future. I never could eat those nor could I hardly even eat my fruit to be able to lose weight at all during P2.

    Anyway, I’m sorry for such a long post, but am pretty desperate here for help because I want to lose the weight again, but want to avoid the saggy skin, so I’m thinking I need to exercise and hoping that will help avoid the saggy skin this time. I would greatly appreciate any help and or suggestions you could give me. Thank you so very much.

    • colleen says:

      Hi Gabby,
      I have learned from experience that as much as we prefer to not look at the scale that it is the very best way to be sure we don’t gain too much. I was fitting in my clothes though knowing I had crept up a little on the scale. It wasn’t till I was 10 lbs up that I realized that I obviously need to use the scale whether I like it or not.
      Gosh you have a lot of great questions I hope I cover them all.
      I was not a bread stick fan during P2 and skipped fruit quite a bit too. I actually never liked the taste of the chocolate delight but my husband loved it – lol. Never did the miracle noodles either because I simply didn’t have the desire. Plus it seemed like the people who did eat them either did great with them or gained from them,same with the chocolate delight. I understand where Carole is coming from with her advice. My thinking is that as long as you introduce the P3 foods back in slowly and journal as you go so you know what works and what doesn’t it makes a big difference. “Steak days” were not my “go to” correction. I think the glycemic index is a great way to help with food choices when stabilizing and understanding what “eating clean” is. Have you been exercising since you have been off of hcg I have learned from experience that as much as we prefer to not look at the scale that it is the very best way to be sure we don’t gain too much. I was fitting in my clothes though knowing I had crept up a little on the scale.It wasn’t till I was 10 lbs up that I realized that I obviously need to use the scale whether I like it or not.
      Gosh you have a lot of great questions I hope I cover them all.
      I was not a bread stick fan during P2 and skipped fruit quite a bit too. I actually never liked the taste of the chocolate delight but my husband loved it – lol. Never did the miracle noodles either because I simply didn’t have the desire. Plus it seemed like the people who did eat them either did great with them or gained from them,same with the chocolate delight. I understand where Carole is coming from with her advice. My thinking is that as long as you introduce the P3 foods back in slowly and journal as you go so you know what works and what doesn’t it makes a big difference. “Steak days” were not my “go to” correction.I think the glycemic index is a great way to help with food choices when stabilizing and understanding what “eating clean” is. Have you been exercising since you have been off of hcg? If you have then continuing what your body is use to doing will be fine. If you start a exercise program your body is not accustom to you may see a gain even though it will probably be muscle. Then you have to ask yourself “can I deal with the mind game that might cause when you weigh in each day”. If you start exercising before your 1st round for a couple of weeks then I think your body would adapt well. Since you had the surgery your skin may not saggy like you think it will. I would need to know more of your weight and diet history before hcg to be more firm on that comment. But be sure and take MSM while on your round to help with the skin issue either way. As far as the way I did protocol, I decided on cycling so I didn’t do the full p3 weeks BUT I highly respect those who have better patience than me and do the “do diligence”. If you want to know more about the glycemic index, cycling, and “what not” that I mention in my response search on my blog because I have posts on those subjects explaining further. I’m a “hunt and peck” typist so my fingers are tuckered out already – lol
      Keep me updated on how you do:)
      Colleen ? If you have then continuing what your body is use to doing will be fine. If you start a exercise program your body is not accustom to you may see a gain even though it will probably be muscle. Then you have to ask yourself “can I deal with the mind game that might cause when you weigh in each day”. If you start exercising before your 1st round for a couple of weeks then I think your body would adapt well. Since you had the surgery your skin may not saggy like you think it will. I would need to know more of your weight and diet history before hcg to be more firm on that comment. But be sure and take MSM while on your round to help with the skin issue either way.As far as the way I did protocol, I decided on cycling so I didn’t do the full p3 weeks BUT I highly respect those who have better patience than me and do the “do diligence”. If you want to know more about the glycemic index, cycling, and “what not” that I mention in my response search on my blog because I have posts on those subjects explaining further. I’m a “hunt and peck” typist so my fingers are tuckered out already – lol
      Keep me updated on how you do:)

      • Gabby says:

        Thank you so very much, Colleen for such a long and fast reply… you must be a quicker typist than you think to write such a long response in such a short time… lol! I really like what you’re thinking about regarding the exercise and starting it 2 weeks prior to hcg. I also agree with you about not avoiding the scale… that’s when you know you are gaining and it’s best to face it before it gets out of hand. Even though I know this, unfortunately, I let it happen. Why do we have to learn the hard way??? Hopefully, someone else reading this will learn from my mistake.

        I have an extra vial of hcg that I left in the box and I put it in the fridge right when I got it. The expiration date is June 2012… do you think it’s still good?

        Do you have a video or a blog where you are specific about your P3 experience? How long has it been since you were on hcg and how difficult has it been to maintain?
        You are very sweet to help me and others and I really appreciate you!

        Best to you,

  • Dee says:

    Hi Colleen- I’ve been following you for quite a while and have a question. I see that you talk about Vinegar and MCT oil; vinegar and MSM and the Cali Kicker. My question is starting in P2, do you use all of these or once you heard of one of the new things did you drop one from your routine? What about ACV, MSM and MCT in one shot and the Cali Kicker 1/2 times per day? I’m on my first week on this round and would like to incorporate some of these but, I don’t want to over-do it if all should not be done at the same time. I apologize if you have addressed this somewhere. I’ve been searching for days to see if I could figure it out….decided to just write and ask you directly.

    Thank you- Dee

    • colleen says:

      Hi Dee,

      To this day I still make a cali kicker every morning and drink it through out the day. Especially later afternoon when hunger pangs might kick in.
      I came up with the alternate ACV & MSM for the people on P1 that didn’t want to take in oil. If you are doing P2 you have a couple of different choices. If there are days that you will be consuming the MCT as part of a salad dressing or in a recipe then do the “shot” with the MSM. If that isn’t the case I would stick with the shot as ACV & MCT and take the MSM as a separate supplement to help your skin. If you are still unsure please don’t hesitate to let me know.
      Colleen 🙂

  • Dee says:

    I hope this is where I was suppose to leave the above question….sorry if it wasn’t.


  • Dee says:

    one last thing….can Colostrum be taken at the same time??

    • colleen says:


      • Dee says:

        Thank you for your quick response. If I could ask one last question. Do you mix the colostrum in anything?…or do you dissolve it in the roof of your month? Is there a better place to write questions?

        Thank you and take care- Debbi

        • colleen says:

          Gosh I thought I answered this but don’t see my response now.
          I take colostrum in capsule form but I bet if there is a liquid form it will absorb in your body better.

  • Julie says:

    Hi Colleen,

    I’ve searched everywhere but can’t find the brand name of the hair skin and nails formula that you show in your video. Could you please let me know what it is, id really like to buy some for myself. Thanks so much.

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