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HCG Before and After PROOF

HCG Before and After PROOF

A Picture is worth a thousand words

Before…Me on vacation in Oregon…After…Me in Hawaii for my brother’s wedding.

Wow What a Difference!

15 Responses to HCG Before and After PROOF

  • patina ganther says:

    Hello my name is Patina,

    I can across some of your vlog for hcg. I am on the hcg injections. I thank God for you vlog’s. You have help me out with the hcg just for the last 2 days. I looked at most of all your vlogs on yesterday on my day off. Just doing some research more about the hcg program. I have loss about 21lbs in a month. I been have some problem some days. I was just wanted to know if you could be a help to me with some thing during the hcg. I need to lose about 55 more lbs. If you don’t mind can you please be a help to me. Can you please email me and let me know if you could help.

  • bethkay says:

    WOW – talk about inspiration – you look fabulous!!

  • Heriberto says:

    Very impressive transformation! Love the mindset, keep up the good work.

  • Annie says:

    Which hcg did you take? You look awesome!!!

    • colleen says:

      Hi Annie,

      I always did injections 5000 iu. The brands ranged from Hucog, Corion and Novarel.

      Colleen =)

  • Bonnie says:

    I need support. I’ve done the hcg diet before but
    Always quit after a week or two. How did you do it?

    • colleen says:

      Hi Bonnie,

      I don’t know what method you are using but for me in the beginning it was all about the right dose and giving the HCG time to get to the right level in my system. I remember the 1st week of my 1st round I was so worried that I was going to be that one oddball that will still feel hunger even with HCG. I asked the person I got my supplies from and she said I might need to adjust my dosage. It is tricky because too little or too much can cause you to still be hungry (go figure right?). I stayed with what is considered the average dose and I remember they day it “kicked in” It was almost a full week into the round when I realized I didn’t care if I ate or not. But here is the thing you need to evaluate what it is that causes you to quit. It isn’t hunger most of the time, it could be emotional triggers etc. As far as how I did it. Definitely staying in tune with you tube vloggers that I felt I could relate to and comment with them along with the HCG facebook page I would go on helped with support.Unfortunately now with so many products claiming to be HCG and people posting stuff not because they have had an hcg journey themselves but because they sell or work at a place that sells it is a bit tougher to feel like you are connecting with a real person with real experience with the whole thing.

      I hope I have been able to help.


  • Karen says:

    Hi Colleen

    I was wondering what brand msm and apple cidar vinegar you are using what amounts and how often during the day and did you take them on the protocol

    • colleen says:

      Hi Karen,
      I prefer the liquid MSM rather than the powder (less bitter). And apple Cider brand didn’t matter to me but I do get organic and unfiltered. You can drink the “shot” twice a day during protocol if you want. I also helps with before dinner hunger pangs if you get that. ACV up to 2 tablespoons per day. The msm I was doubling the recommended dose but that is just me you can do what is listed on the container.
      I hope this info helps 🙂

  • Sherry says:

    Hi Colleen –
    You are awesome!
    For the Macadamia nut fat fast –
    can they be roasted and salted or do they need to be raw?
    hoping the answer is roasted and salted…
    ps. I love your pups – I have 3 chihuahuas 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • colleen says:

      Hi Sherry,
      You will love my answer – YES, the mac nuts I use to be able to buy at Costco were roasted with sea salt (YUM). But DO drink PLENTY of water during the fast so your body doesn’t think it needs to be a camel and hold on to fluid..
      btw..I adopted one more chihuahua pup that needed a home so I have 3 now He is bigger than my other 2 but super sweet!
      Thanks for commenting 🙂

  • Sherry says:

    Great! thank you!!!
    FYI I found mac nuts on sale at Walgreens + they are buy 1 get one 1/2 off – and they are so good!!!! brand name deLISH
    God Bless you for adopting that little angel who needed a home!

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