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HCG and DIETING – Pushing Through Adversity

Adversity, The Tipping Point

fat and four eyes

fat and four eyes

 That Can turn your life around for the Good



The picture next to this post is what human body fat wearing glasses would look like.

To make the picture the good think for me is chicken fat and human fat look pretty much the same.


Now you are wondering, “Why did she make that weird picture?” It really is weird isn’t it?

That is what you get when my creative mind gets a bit wacky.


I made this picture because in elementary school children would call me “fat and four eyes.” Actually looking back at school pictures I was not nearly as obese as you would expect someone being called that would be. As people sometimes say “kids can be cruel”. Think about the video that recently went viral when middle school kids on a school bus were verbally abusing the 68 year old bus monitor. And some of the taunting referred to her weight. Stay with me here I promise I have a point. Those cruel, lousy experiences are awful! But it is what we do with those memories that can later be use to strengthen the very core of what defines us now.

I want to give another example not to bash my parents but to help you understand how we all can turn a negative experience into the building blocks that will be the foundation of a positive outcome. Not only were my parents on me about losing weight as I grew up they also told me I walked like a duck and I needed to train myself to stop that so I could be attractive later when it was time for me to start dating. Again no bashing just different generations have different mind sets.

Here is my last example and the one that I feel was my “tipping point”…..


Right here I want to inject a “cliff hanger”. Anyone reading the day of the post will have to come back to learn what the point I want to make with all this is.

Of course the majority can just read the next post to see the outcome. BUT before you do reflect for a moment and think back on an experience that was not great at the time but you either pushed through or learned from it.


This is the only way I could think of to basically force you to take a moment to think back (pretty sly, huh?) 🙂

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