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HCG Got me to Size 1 – !!!!!!!!! – and size 25 jeans – YAY!!!

HCG got me to a size 1! – That’s right size one aka size 25 in jeans – I can’t believe it myself!!! Thank you GOD, My HCG supporters and HCG! – I’m so excited – I feel like I am living a dream – Thank You!! =) Please don’t forget – before I knew about HCG I was pushing 208 lbs.

Where to buy HCG

3 Responses to HCG Got me to Size 1 – !!!!!!!!! – and size 25 jeans – YAY!!!

  • Julie Shaker says:

    Hi! I’ve been watching a bunch of your videos. Congratulations. You’ve lost a lot of weight.

    I was wondering a couple of things. Why coconut oil and why isn’t the chocolate delight bad for you even though it’s got unsweetener in it? I’m doing really well, I’ve lost 6.5 lbs. in 4 days. That’s a miracle to me since I haven’t been able to do that since I was in my 20-30s. I’m 55 and it’s been quite the struggle. My goal is 50 lbs.

    Oh I made your mustard salad dressing with the MCT. Pretty darn good I must say.

    Keep the tips and recipes coming. I’m a newbie and need all the help I can get.


    • colleen says:

      Hi Marguerite,

      Sun protection is important!
      If you are on P3 you won’t need to be as concerned with oils. When you are on P2 you will want to get a water based (non oily) sunscreen.
      I hope this helps!
      Colleen =)

  • Hi Colleen and thanks for coordinating so much information in one place. I have a question though…I’m looking forward to doing several more rounds. This will mean that I will be on P2 at some point over the summer months. My husband and I are avid boaters which puts us out on the water and in the sun at every opportunity. Do you know of a sunscreen that is safe for P3?

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