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Crazy Fit Massager Review

An Awesome Way to Strengthen Your Core and Get Great Circulation

I do all that I can to keep the circulation in my legs the best they can be.

This was why I bought this machine but there is a lot more benefits. The massager helps strengthen your core. I lift arm weights while I am standing on the machine. I bought the mini crazy fit massager but there is also the massager with handles if you prefer that set up. There are many positions aka postures you can do by following the manual. It is really a great way to get your blood flowing and strengthen your core!

  • Whole body posture
  • Squat posture
  • Bending the upper body posture
  • Lower legs posture
  • Graveling posture
  • Single foot posture
  • Sitting posture (buttocks on pedal)
  • Sitting in a chair posture

Click here to view the manual to see what the postures look like.

Where to Buy Mini Crazy Fit Massager

“Did you Exercise While on HCG”?

I Have Been asked this Question Quite a Bit . And since it is such a Good Question that Most Newbies Ask Much of the Time Here is My 2 cents Worth aka the “Colleen Theory” – LOL

Question –

First of all CONGRATULATIONS! =D I was just messaging you for a quick question I’ve been wanting to ask an HCG past user. Did you work out while you were taking hCG? If not, would you recommend it? and if So how much? THANK YOUUU! =D

My Answer –

I didn’t workout during my early rounds. This is why, in pounds and inches Dr Simeon talks about how the American patients that went to Italy for the treatment would gain from doing activity their body wasn’t use to . For example since they are use to driving a car to get around but in Italy there is more walking done than driving.
So I incorporated walking on the treadmill while on P3 so my body was use to the added activity by the time I was ready to do P2 again.

So here is my “Colleen Theory” . When you start HCG if you are already doing an exercise plan your body is use to I don’t think you have to stop. But if you haven’t been exercising prior to the protocol now is not the time to start P2 AND an exercise regime. The scale could end up causing too many head games as far as the releases (numbers on the scale) going down the way you want them to.

The Best Way To Beat Cellulite

Get Rid of Cellulite!

I thought this article was interesting. Ever since I made the choice to either stand or have my legs using a mini stepper at work it seems like I’m seeing more and more information basically telling people to stop sitting.

The Best Way To Beat Cellulite
By Cassandra Forsythe-Pribanic, PhD, RD
Cottage cheese                           Orange Peel                             Rice Pudding

Even though this sounds like it, I’m not talking about food here.  These are just some of the names given to an undesirable skin condition known as cellulite that plagues the backsides and tummies of women all over the world.

Sure, some men are affected by it, but for the most part, women’s biggest fear about wearing a bikini in the summer is the dimply appearance of her butt and thighs or mid-section. And, women don’t even have to be considered “chubby” or “fat” to have cellulite in the most awkward of places. Even our beloved, so-called perfectly thin actresses have cellulite that they work incredibly hard to hide.

But why is it that women are mostly stricken with mattress-like backsides and how do we prevent it or minimize its appearance?

What is cellulite?

Cellulite consists of several alterations in your skins normal structure, coupled with circulation issues (fatty areas of cellulite tend to have low blood flow and are cold to the touch), and changes with the fat cells themselves.

If you have cellulite, there isn’t much you can do to abolish it, but you can definitely reduce it’s appearance.

Even Babies Have Cellulite

My first realization about cellulite came when I noticed my 7-month old daughter had a cottage cheese-like appearance to her cute little butt cheeks when they were slightly squished.

At first I was upset – why does she have cellulite? How is this possible?  But then I realized my own battles with cellulite were partially out of my control. Females, by virtue of our hormonal environment and body structure are stricken with cellulite from the very beginning.

Normal, healthy, fatty tissue development (growth of new fat cells, not fat cell size) begins in the womb and continues until a child is 18 months old. It then picks up again during puberty.  In today’s society, with all the junk food and excessive calories, some children are in a constant state of fat cell growth and potentially new fat cells.

Fatty tissue near the skin consists of two layers separated by a facial layer.  The more external layer is called the areolar layer, which is formed by globular and large fat cells (adipocytes) arranged vertically; here the blood vessels feeding the fat cells are numerous and fragile. The deeper layer is called the lamellar layer and the cells are fusiform, smaller and arranged horizontally; the vessels here are larger. The second layer increases in thickness when a person gains weight, mainly due to the increase in fat cell volume which presses against the outer, areolar layer, making it more pronounced.

In women, the outer areolar layer is thicker and the skin covering it is usually thinner which is the case right from birth (and explains my daughters dimply butt cheeks). As a woman ages and gains more body fat from an increase in the inner lamellar layer, it makes the fat cells in the areolar layer more visible.

Female hormones can be evil

When women start to hit puberty, the battle with thigh cellulite commences. The femoral region of a woman (the back of the upper thigh) is very responsive to her very unique hormonal profile.

Estrogen increases the response of thigh fat cells to anti-lipolytic alpha receptors (preventing fat breakdown and loss) and stimulates an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL) that stimulates fat growth. This can occur in the gluteal region and abdomen as well, but is usually localized to the back of the legs.

Prolactin (the breast-feeding hormone) is another hormone that makes cellulite more visible because it increases water retention in the fatty tissue, which makes each cell look larger and more lumpy.

So, most women are going to have some issues with cellulite, just because they are women.

Insulin make cellulite more visible

One of the greatest influences on cellulite appearance is the blood glucose-regulating hormone insulin. Whenever you eat carbohydrate, your body releases insulin to manage the influx of glucose (from carbs) into your bloodstream. In an ideal world, your muscle cells recognize this insulin and invite the glucose into muscle cells to be used for energy or stored for later use (as glycogen).

However, in the case of most sedentary people, insulin sends the carbs to fat cells to be turned into fatty acids and stored as triglycerides (called lipogenesis). This makes fat cells in the lamellar layer bigger, causing fat cells in the areolar layer to be squished out and more visible.
Unless a person is a constant exerciser or exercises incredibly hard every day, high carb diets will cause your body to produce more fat. Insulin also stops your body from using fat as fuel and can cause your body to store more water, pushing cellulite out for the world to see.

Change your lifestyle, smooth out cellulite

Of all the things under our control with respect to cellulite, there are two major things we can change to minimize its appearance. With cellulite, you either have it, or you  don’t (lucky girl!), but if you have it, you can make it look less pronounced despite never really being able to get rid of it.

First and foremost – get off your butt!  Consistent physical activity (no, not armchair football) decreases your body’s insulin levels naturally and makes your muscle cells more receptive to burning up carbs and fats for energy.

Daily exercise also increases muscle mass, which helps decrease body fat. It increases circulation in your lower extremities, providing more blood to thigh fat cells and enabling them to be used as a energy source.  Finally, it improves rigidity of your tendons and muscles, making fatty areas seem smaller and less pronounced.

You’ve got to think: all that sitting on your behind, day in and day out, does not do much for improving blood flow to your thighs or making your butt look any smaller. So, get up and move as much as you can —  every day. Even consider investing in a stand-up desk, so your butt can get a break.

Eliminate simple carbs, sodium, alcohol and manufactured fats from your diet.

You now know carbs are the major promoters of insulin, but not all carbs are bad and timing is important. High-fiber carbs from non-starchy vegetables (like greens and colorful veggies) produce the least amount of insulin and some starchy veggies (like sweet potato, squash and peas) produce a bit more insulin, but their high fiber content is important. Fiber helps keep your body regular (along with adequate water intake) which improves blood flow in your lower limbs.

Simple carbs  and even fruit carbs are used best by your body after exercise, and sometimes before. At this time, your muscles are primed to use that insulin for repair and re-growth instead of for fat storage.

High sodium, processed foods, like those microwave lunches, have to be packed with sodium to prevent spoilage. This sodium causes water retention and makes cellulite look worse than it is. On the same note, watch out for sodium in canned foods (soups, fish) and focus on fresh, non-processed items as often as possible. Sauces, like soy sauce and teriyaki are also a no-no as they can be both high in sodium and simple carbs.

Alcohol is also an issue – this chemical acts just like insulin, causing your body to store fat and create fat and preventing it from using it for energy. Light beer is not going to help your cause at all. Just limit or stay away from alcohol all the time and your fat cells will be smaller and you’ll be happier.

Manufactured fats, such as those found in most boxed and packaged foods are incredibly problematic. First, the poor quality of these fats, which can be trans fats or just excessive polyunsaturated fats,  love to be stored by the body. They also increase inflammation, which leads to water retention and decreased fat breakdown.  Finally, they’re often associated with high simple carb foods (cake anyone?)

The best diet to reduce the appearance of cellulite is one that contains high quality, whole-food proteins that are not laced with preservatives, sodium, and sugar (foods like organic beef and chicken, organic eggs and purified whey proteins), plenty of colorful vegetables and fruits to provide fiber, antioxidants and potassium to balance sodium, and plentiful whole food fats, especially those high in unsaturated fats like avocados, egg yolks, fish, fish oil and krill oils, and olives and olive oil.

Don’t believe the hype- just do what Mother Nature told you to do

Everyday you’re going to be bombarded with some product, or some new fancy diet that proclaims to be the terminator of all cellulite, but don’t buy into those claims.

Fighting the dimply look of cellulite isn’t really that hard – you just need to eat real food, food that Mother Nature gave us, and exercise or move your body every day.

Or, pick the right parents and ask for thick skin. But, if it was that easy, the world wouldn’t be so interesting.


Cellulite: a review. Rossi AB and Vergnanini AL. JEADV (2000) 14: 251-262

HCG- What Supplements I Take and the Benefits They Have

HCG Supplement Benefits

I’m asked all kinds of questions about what can help for cravings, releases, hair, you name it. I decided it was time to explain what I take, why,what it does and all the BENEFITS!

Where Can You Get the Supplements?

Good Health for the Entire Family

Boost Fat Breaking Enzyme up to 90% – Stand Don’t SIT!

Sitting is Killing You!

I understand not all of you can reconfigure your work environment, but if you can you will reap BIG Health Benefits!

Warning – if you read this you might get scared to sit =/

Sitting is killing you!

Thank you DIYgenius for the info.

A few concrete blocks is all it took 😉

Or spring for a standing desk.

The first week takes some getting use to.
I realized that my lower back was weak from sitting so much.
I’m excited about the health improvement I have to look forward to by making this change!

Skin Recipe Result Update 5.14.2011

I’m Really Excited About How Well This is Working!

Where to GET – Cellfood,Super Skin Serum, Colostrum,MSM Liquid,Antler Velvet


* Nature’s First Immune Defense
* Helps Strengthen Immune Response
* Supports GI Tract Health
* Supports Recovery & Muscle growth
* Colostrum Supplement
* High Bio Availability Quality Guaranteed
* Growth Factors

Immune Factors:

Fight back with Colostrum Plus! Nature gave you a strong immune defense network, but that system gets depleted as you age. Normal physical and mental stress can also wear down your defenses. Colostrum is the only supplement you can take to add back antibodies and immune factors. Colostrum Plus helps you maintain a strong immune system with dual action support in the bloodstream and also in the GI tract. It helps maintain a robust intestinal lining and promote healthy intestinal flora.

Clinical Studies show wide ranging health benefits for Colostrum including a significant increase in lean body mass and increases in anaerobic power, performance time, and sprint performance when compared to whey.

Symbiotics guarantees per serving minimums of 1.5% Lactoferrin (14 mg), 25% Immunoglobulins (240 mg IG), and 3% Proline-Rich Polypeptides (29 mg PRP), Colostrum’s most important component. Our unique BIO-Lipid coating insures bioavailability. Without this protective layer, other Colostrums can be destroyed by stomach acids and offer limited benefit.

Colostrum Plus comes from USDA Grade A dairies that are hormone, pesticide, antibiotic and rBST free. We use only the first 2 milking’s to guarantee potency and quality.

Velvet Antler

Deer velvet antler has been scientifically proven to provide the following benefits:

  • Improves Immune System functioning
  • Improves Athletic Performance and Strength
  • Improves Muscle Recovery after exercise
  • Is an excellent natural supplement for Women’s Health
  • Provides Vitality and Anti-aging properties for Seniors
  • Is an alternative natural supplement for Bodybuilding and Weight Training
  • Is a superior source of Growth Factors including IGF-1 & IGF-2
  • Enhances Sexual Functioning for both men and women
  • Is a natural supplement for Arthritis

Where to GET – Cellfood,MSM Liquid and Super Skin Serum,

Skin Recipe Update and HCG P2 Friendly Exfoliant

I am seeing noticeable improvement on my face overall. Better skin tone, texture, color, softness and is smoother. Let me know if you have any questions or would like to share something you have learned about that you would like to tell me about. Thanks for your support!

Anti-Aging “Face Recipe”

I am again willing to make myself a Lab Rat and Experimenting!
I have already liked the results the products are giving me. Now I am doing my own “trial” to see just how far I can go with using the “Recipe”

Watch What I’m up to 😉

You Can GET All the Products on Amazon –
Cellfood,Super Skin Serum, Colostrum,MSM Liquid,Antler Velvet etc.

Antler Velvet

Book On Benefits of Antler Velvet

Velvet Antler has been scientifically proven to provide the following benefits:

  • Improves Immune System functioning
  • Improves Athletic Performance and Strength
  • Improves Muscle Recovery after exercise
  • Is an excellent natural supplement for Women’s Health
  • Provides Vitality and Anti-aging properties for Seniors
  • Is an alternative natural supplement for Bodybuilding and Weight Training
  • Is a superior source of Growth Factors including IGF-1 & IGF-2
  • Enhances Sexual Functioning for both men and women
  • Is a natural supplement for Arthritis

* Nature’s First Immune Defense
* Helps Strengthen Immune Response
* Supports GI Tract Health
* Supports Recovery & Muscle growth
* Colostrum Supplement
* High Bio Availability Quality Guaranteed
* Growth Factors

Immune Factors

Fight back with Colostrum Plus! Nature gave you a strong immune defense network, but that system gets depleted as you age. Normal physical and mental stress can also wear down your defenses. Colostrum is the only supplement you can take to add back antibodies and immune factors. Colostrum Plus helps you maintain a strong immune system with dual action support in the bloodstream and also in the GI tract. It helps maintain a robust intestinal lining and promote healthy intestinal flora.

Clinical Studies show wide ranging health benefits for Colostrum including a significant increase in lean body mass and increases in anaerobic power, performance time, and sprint performance when compared to whey.

Symbiotics guarantees per serving minimums of 1.5% Lactoferrin (14 mg), 25% Immunoglobulins (240 mg IG), and 3% Proline-Rich Polypeptides (29 mg PRP), Colostrum’s most important component. Our unique BIO-Lipid coating insures bioavailability. Without this protective layer, other Colostrums can be destroyed by stomach acids and offer limited benefit.

Colostrum Plus comes from USDA Grade A dairies that are hormone, pesticide, antibiotic and rBST free. We use only the first 2 milking’s to guarantee potency and quality.

If you would like to read more about Colostrum

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HCG Cooking Tips