Set Vidio id

pounds inches diet

HCG – What is the Correct HCG Dose for Weight Loss?

HCG – What is the Right DOSE ?

hcg syringe ready for injection

HCG Dose Example

HCG –  Question of the Day

This is a really great question and there are different  dose calculator.

Charts and Lists aside I have found it is all about

Finding the HCG dose “Sweet Spot”



 I’m currently going to a “clinic” and with your help – plan on ordering HCG from ReliableRXPharmacy and supplies from Amazon and doing this myself. Although I’m having success at the “clinic” (lost 10 lbs. the first week) – they really do push the appetite suppressants and other unnecessary products. I’ll have to continue to go until I get my HCG delivery – but with your guidance – I know that I can do this on my own and save ALOT of money.

My question is – do you change your dose based on your weight or how your hunger is? What dose did you start with and did you continue the same dosage throughout all of your phases? Also – did you inject 6 days and skip one as outlined in the original protocol? I’m currently on 125 – five days a week – skip two – and feel kind of hungry.

Congrats on such great results, you are doing awesome!

If you are just one week into it sometimes it takes at least that for the hcg to get at a good level. I remember my first week. I was concerned that I was going to be the one oddball that hcg wouldn’t work the same on as the people I was watching on youtube. Then it was Friday late afternoon and I suddenly realized that I wasn’t hungry and I had forgot to eat the P2 food I brought for lunch. I thought, “Oh this is what they are talking about”?
I did dose at about the same. I would fill to just past the “20 and not get to the “25″. How is that for being scientific-LOL

One funny thing about the HCG dose.

Once you find your “sweet spot” you can tell because hunger isn’t an issue. But here is the tricky part. Till you find the “sweet spot” if you don’t dose enough that could cause hunger but if you dose too much that could cause hunger. So if you at anytime decide to adjust do it ever so slightly till “bing” you find the spot! My dose amount stayed consistent pretty much, only backed off near the end but ever so slightly. During my rounds I would only skip a dose one day and of course when TOM arrived.

Losing Fat on HCG

What To Expect to Lose On HCG

A jug fills drop by drop-Buddha

Be Brimming with PATIENCE


A jug fills drop by drop.

With HCG lets turn that around and say,

“The jug empty’s with each pour (wink)”


Any of you seasoned vet dieters out there remember back if you ever did the Weight Watcher program?
You would go in for your weekly weigh in and meeting and you felt you were losing at a clipping rate if you were seeing an approx 2 lbs loss each week. By all traditional standards you were losing fast!

Now fast forward to  HCG Protocol. Before you started you saw or heard how people lose a pound a day plus. Of course like me you said “count me in!” The first week it can be very feasible that you could release to the point where you have lost even more than 7 lbs the 1st week.

Whether on a forum, facebook or You Tube during my journey and up to now I see HCGers who are releasing but are sad that the release wasn’t more to their liking.
I am the first to admit that I can be patient with people but not with myself. Thus why I selected to do cycling/interruptions during my HCG journey.
I am writing this post because I want you to be kind to yourself and appreciate every success you have during your journey. When a comment goes in the direction of, “I only released or I only lost”. The fact is you got rid of fat and that is why you are doing this!

The Dr Simeon’s Research:
Also Dr Simeon titled his protocol “pounds & Inches” not simply “pounds”. You will be also losing inches shrinking and as long as you are really on HCG your body won’t be going after good muscle that your body needs to keep. I bought the book that the other guy wrote about Dr Simeons research. I am not a fan of the entrepreneur that wrote the book but I don’t hate him either. Anyway, one of the examples was the pregnant women in 3rd world countries that give birth to health babies even though their calorie intake is low and their activity level is basically hard labor during their trimesters. This is how Dr Simeon realized that if you have HCG in your system is like a heat seeking missile (that is my example not the Dr’s) going after the stored fat so it can keep the baby (in your case your body) sustained.
If you fudge on protocol you will probably experience that you will see a gain. My example here is that HCG is also like a magnet so if you put fat into your system while on HCG the HCG figures it better store it so you will stay sustained.

Set Points:
There will still be “set points” both ones you will be creating during your journey so your body won’t want to going the weight back easily. And others that you will need patience with when pushing through them. These set points are when your body gets to a weight that you had settled into in the past for a period of time. Your body gets to that weight and says to itself, “I remember this” and thinks it is where it should stay. You need to be the boss and say, “nope let’s keep going!”

My final 2 cents Today – I write on this blog because I want someone out there going through their journey to find a place that can help them along the way.
I am not a company or medical person. I am simply a person that knows I am blessed to have found HCG.

My goal is to share my thoughts, experiences, and whatever info I have learned.

Be Well and Be Happy!

Pro’s and Con’s with HCG


Weigh out the Pro's and Con's

Weighing out the Pro’s and Con’s

I remember my first diets began as early as elementary school. I also recall doing the whole mind game of telling myself “Monday I’m going to start my diet” Sometimes when Monday came I was ready other times I did more mental bartering.

Fast forward to my HCG experience, When I began my journey all I knew was the 2 choices was either sub-lingual or injection but both were using RX HCG. Now there are so many products claiming to be hcg in drops or pellet form..HUM…..

I will not take on that issue in this post. What I want to focus on is how to be ready for your journey both mentally and physically so you will succeed.


My favorite “GO TO” for ordering HCG OnlineReliableRXpharmacy

Mentally you need to be raring to go. Have that “I can’t wait to start” feeling. I had watched so many you tube vlogs and read so many forums and posts along with of course “pounds & Inches” while I was waiting for my HCG to arrive I was completely ready to jump in feet first.

But with protocol timing is very important. I get asked over and over when someone is starting HCG for the first time if it is ok to go ahead and start their round if TOM had started or was about to. My answer is wait. Better to have the extra patience and be able to start your round when you know you will have a minimum of 10 days into the round before TOM could be part of the equation.

What is your social calendar looking like? Only YOU know what you can resist and though HCG puts hunger on the back burner sometimes food isn’t about hunger but emotional triggers or socializing. Personally I don’t like to try to visit with people and eat at the same time. That might sound odd to some people but for me it seems like it never fails, I put a bite of food in my mouth and someone will walk up and ask me a question.

Now so far as you are reading this and you KNOW that you are good to go on all counts that I have brought up so far GREAT.

Now be sure you have your tools in place.

What I mean by that is have a good bathroom scale. A scale that will give you more info than just a pound number. Fat percent etc REALLY helps while you are releasing on HCG and take measurements everywhere on your body that you can. You will be amazed where you lose and if you don’t get all your stats from the beginning you will regret it later. I recommend the myotape. Remember there is a good reason why the doctor called it “pounds & Inches

My next advice is do as I say, not what I did.

Take HCG before pictures. The only reason I have a before shot is because my brother snapped off a pic of me when we were on vacation. But what wouldn’t give now to have full on front, back, and side shots that would have been taken the day before my 1st P2 round.

JOURNAL – Do this like you never have before! I was looking at my journal today to see where I was at around this time last year. The pattern I noticed was when I would weigh and write down what I thought I was doing right or what I was doing wrong. If I had a gain you could see how it was brought right back where it should be as along as I stayed current with what I was doing. If I saw an entry and then saw I didn’t write anything for a few days when I was willing to fess-up and get on the scale there was much more of a “price to pay” if you know what I mean.

My birthday is next month and my goal is to be the same weight I was on this date last year on my birthday. Why don’t I pick the weight I was on my Birthday last year? I didn’t write in an entry in my journal. So today I completely regret that I don’t have that stat!!!

I began this post stating,”HCG Gave Me My BEST RESULTS!”

This statement is so very true. I never looked or felt gaunt or sickly. Dr Simeons explained how it targets the abnormal fat and it DID. On other diets in the past I hit the same weight numbers I did on HCG but definitely was not the size and shape HCG got me to. Before my journey other ladies would say if I had back fat it was just an age thing that couldn’t be avoided…wrong.

My butt and hips got smaller than they were before I had kids. This knocks down another theory that after you have kids those areas change and you can’t get those areas down like you could before pregnancies.

And Before my HCG journey I was losing a lot of hair to the point that the girl who does my hair was gravely concerned. When I began HCG the fall out subsided and then a bit after that while still on my rounds I found a hair vitamin I like a lot and still take to this day, I also like it because it also has MSM.

It looks to me like there are a LOT of Pro’s.

Here is what I think are the Con’s –

  • Don’t get suckered into a product that is not HCG!
  • Understand that it is restrictive as far as what and how much you can eat.
  • You need to access if this will work in your life based on why you eat.
  • Desire & Timing is everything! It is important to check your calendar, schedule, and body clock (time of month arrival eta).
  • You want to set yourself up for success and as long as you check off the right boxes and do it right you will see results beyond what you could have imagined!:)


Is Sugar Toxic to Your Body?

HCG Craving Buster of the Day

This blog post isn’t about a supplement though one L-Glutamine capsule poured under the tongue can help with sugar craving

The video link below provides information that helps you and me both to think before we act on a craving. Thus one day closer to the goal we have set for ourselves because we decide to make the right food choices that keep our body and mind healthy!

Video shows how sugar not only causes heart disease and diabetes, but also feeds tumors and is as addictive as Cocaine to your brain

Is Sugar Toxic to Your Body

 Mike’s comments:

I think everybody needs to watch this video from a recent 60 Minutes episode to see just how harmful to your health sugar really is.  I don’t think most people understand the seriousness of this.  People seem to blindly eat and drink loads of sugar each day (Americans consume a whopping 1/3 lb of sugar per DAY on average) without thinking about how this internally affects your body and your biochemistry.

As you can see in the video, it should be no surprise to anybody that studies clearly relate excess sugar consumption to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

You might argue that some natural sugars have always been in the human diet, so why is this an issue.  Well, yes humans have always eaten small amounts of natural sugars from fruit as part of the ancestral diet, but we’ve never historically been exposed to the massive amounts of added sugars that we see in today’s world of sweetened drinks, candies, cakes, cookies, as well as added sugars in everything from condiments to dressings to tomato sauces.

As you can see in the video, the average American eats a sickening 130 lbs of sugar per person per year, or 1/3 lb per day!  That’s just nasty if you ask me, and shows how little most people respect their body, or even think about what they’re putting in their body on a daily basis.

The video also mentions that in one controlled study, they replaced 25% of the daily calories of the subjects with sugary drinks, and took continual blood tests.  The tests showed that by replacing 25% of their daily calories with sugary drinks, the subjects increased their dangerous small dense LDL particles in their blood which causes arterial plaque and heart disease.  Yes, in fact, sugar and carbs in general contribute more to heart disease than fats do.

We also need to realize that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a relatively new invention in the human diet and is something that your body does not know how to properly handle.  HFCS didn’t really become part of the human food supply until the 1970’s and now it’s found it fairly large quantities in almost every processed food on the grocery shelves.  As the video points out, HFCS consumption is clearly linked to increased heart disease and stroke risk.

One statement I don’t agree with in the video above is that sugar and HFCS are “the same”.  While I agree that they are both terrible for your health and both toxic, there are certainly big differences in how the body processes HFCS vs table sugar or other forms of sugar.  I cover this in full in this article about HFCS here (opens a new window).

Also take note that the video mentions how sugar feeds tumors and can make cancer worse.

In addition, sugar activates reward centers in your brain, similar to drugs like cocaine, thereby making sugar addictive.  The part of the video where they do brain scans on him while he sips a sugary soda is interesting indeed.

One other thing to mention about this video… I don’t fully agree with how they lump honey and real maple syrup in with table sugar or HFCS.  Although honey and real maple syrup are mostly sugar, and should be minimized overall, both of them at least have additional micronutrients and antioxidants that sugar or HFCS simply don’t have.

In addition, another aspect that the video fails to mention is that it’s not just added sugar that causes all of these negative effects in your body, but also fast-digesting carb sources like breads, pastas, bagels, muffins, rice, and other grain-based foods that spike your blood sugar just as quickly as regular table sugar.  For example, each piece of bread you eat is basically equivalent to eating about 20 grams of sugar since the response to your blood sugar and triglyceride levels is essentially the same.

The bottom line is that food manufacturers want you to be addicted to sugar and continue to buy all of their junk foods and sugary drinks which destroy your health.  But it’s time to take control of your health for yourself and not support these giant businesses who only care about their corporate profit and not about how they are destroying your health.

HCG-Getting Back to Basics

Starting HCG

Like many  great people out there I have been experiencing quite the crazy year. Situations, changes and losses that can weigh emotionally heavy on a person’s heart and mind.

So after a lot of thought and soul searching I have decided for many reasons to do a round.

I have not gained horribly and actually my clothes fit but not as comfortable as I like them to. I made one cardinal sin with maintenance…avoided the scale for too long. During the turbulent time of this years beginning I simply didn’t want to “deal”.

Then the over thinking of ” if I go back on HCG will I be letting those I have been helping down”?

With that mind conversation  I finally remembered that other HCGers that I know and respect at different times have decided to do another round and I didn’t have negative judgement on them.If anything I welcomed them back with open arms encouragement!

So now with all the song lyrics that are going through my mind that motivate me to start fresh I am excited about this!

Foo fighter’s “Walk” or Aerosmith’s “Back in the Saddle” and all that 😉

So my plan on my blog is to share different info that I come across that I know helps me stay on track.

I will also do a you tube vlog very soon…FUN Times!!

Even with this decision I know that I have maintained better than at any other time in my “dieting career”. I call it that because I started dieting when I was in elementary school. Not one single other method has kept the weight off like this. I began my HCG journey  in January 201o. It is now 2012  and would I admit it is debatable whether I really would need to do a round based on how much I want to lose.

But I have decided I want Pounds & Inches manuscript to be sure I was weighing the right amount.

I already saw a video and read research that will help motivate me to stay on track and I will share that with you too.

My goal with this website was to help people  by sharing my experiences and what I learn.

So my plan is to help me and in turn I hope to help you!


What Are HCG Phases?

Question of the Day – What Are HCG Phases?

Question: Thank you so much for all your help. I have ordered my hcg and supply kit. I’m very confused on the different phases though. Do you have something explaining this on youtube or on your blog?

My Answer:

Your question motivated me to create a blog post explaining the phase thing. Simply put phase 2, phase 3 lingo was done through Kevin Trudeau who basically took Dr Simeons original protocol from the 1960’s ( gave him credit for the research in his own book “The Weight Loss Cure” But put a spin on a few things so he could make a pretty penny by reintroducing this theory . As time has gone on the terminology has basically blended together as one.

I tell all newbie’s who are willing to listen “READ Pounds and inches over and over again” When asked a question I still find myself going back to it and reading it. I always end up reading more that what answers the questions because the research is so fascinating. I have a free pdf available on my website so it is easy to get.
Pounds and Inches

I feel reading the original protocol also enables you to truly understand why this will be so incredibly different and successful than anything you have done before.

Below is merely “snippets” of what Kevin Trudeau renamed as “Phases”. The Dr explains as “Courses.

In Trudeau lingo he also includes Phase 4 which all that is , is lifetime maintenance and a Phase 1 which was a “detox” phase and another way for him to capitalize monetarily.

Don’t get me wrong I think detoxing is a great thing to do. And being an entrepreneur can be a very good thing. I didn’t do a detox right before starting my HCG journey. But I had done a fasting detox that I have talked about in past you tube vlogs.


My motto for a long time now came from the great Zig Ziglar,

“You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”



Phase 2 (P2)

As explained in Dr Simeons Pounds and Inches

The Diet

The 500 calorie diet is explained on the day of the second injection to those patients who

will be preparing their own food, and it is most important that the person who will

actually cook is present – the wife, the mother or the cook, as the case may be. Here in

Italy patients are given the following diet sheet.

Breakfast: Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar.

Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24

hours. Saccharin or Stevia may be used.

Lunch: 1. 100 grams of veal, beef, chicken

breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab,

or shrimp. All visible fat must be

carefully removed before cooking, and

the meat must be weighed raw. It must

be boiled or grilled without additional

fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or

pickled fish are not allowed. The

chicken breast must be removed from

the bird.

2. One type of vegetable only to be

chosen from the following: spinach,

chard, chicory, beet-greens, green

salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions,

red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus,


3. One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba


4. An apple or a handful of strawberries

or one-half grapefruit.

Dinner : The same four choices as lunch.

The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard

powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, majoram, etc., may be used for seasoning, but

no oil, butter or dressing.

Tea, coffee, plain water, or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be

taken in any quantity and at all times.


The Duration of Treatment

Patients who need to lose 15 pounds (7 kg.) or less require 26 days treatment with 23

daily injections. The extra three days are needed because all patients must continue the

500-calorie diet for three days after the last injection. This is a very essential part of the

treatment, because if they start eating normally as long as there is even a trace of HCG in

their body they put on weight alarmingly at the end of the treatment. After three days

when all the HCG has been eliminated this does not happen, because the blood is then no

longer saturated with food and can thus accommodate an extra influx from the intestines

without increasing its volume by retaining water.

We never give a treatment lasting less than 26 days, even in patients needing to lose only

5 pounds. It seems that even in the mildest cases of obesity the diencephalon requires

about three weeks rest from the maximal exertion to which it has been previously

subjected in order to regain fully its normal fat-banking capacity. Clinically this

expresses itself, in the fact that, when in these mild cases, treatment is stopped as soon as

the weight is normal, which may be achieved in a week, it is much more easily regained

than after a full course of 23 injections.

As soon as such patients have lost all their abnormal superfluous fat, they at once begin

to feel ravenously hungry with continued injections. This is because HCG only puts

abnormal fat into circulation and cannot, in the doses used, liberate normal fat deposits;

indeed, it seems to prevent their consumption.


Phase 3  (P3)

As explained in Dr Simeons Pounds and inches

As soon as their statistically normal weight

is reached, these patients are put on 800-1000 calories for the rest of the treatment. The diet is arranged in such a way that the weight remains perfectly stationary and is thus

continued for three days after the 23rd injection. Only then are the patients free to eat

anything they please except sugar and starches for the next three weeks.

Such early cases are common among actresses, models, and persons who are tired of

obesity, having seen its ravages in other members of their family. Film actresses

frequently explain that they must weigh less than normal. With this request we flatly

refuse to comply, first, because we undertake to cure a disorder, not to create a new one,

and second, because it is in the nature of the HCG method that it is self limiting. It

becomes completely ineffective as soon as all abnormal fat is consumed. Actresses with a

slight tendency to obesity, having tried all manner of reducing methods, invariably come

to the conclusion that their figure is satisfactory only when they are underweight, simply

because none of these methods remove their superfluous fat deposits. When they see that

under HCG their figure improves out of all proportion to the amount of weight lost, they

are nearly always content to remain within their normal weight-range.

When a patient has more than 15 pounds to lose the treatment takes longer but the

maximum we give in a single course is 40 injections, nor do we as a rule allow patients to

lose more than 34 lbs. (15 Kg.) at a time. The treatment is stopped when either 34 lbs.

have been lost or 40 injections have been given. The only exception we make is in the

case of grotesquely obese patients who may be allowed to lose an additional 5-6 lbs.

if this occurs before the 40 injections are up.


Further Courses

Patients requiring the loss of more than 34 lbs. must have a second or even more courses.

A second course can be started after an interval of not less than six weeks, though the

pause can be more than six weeks. When a third, fourth or even fifth course is necessary,

the interval between courses should be made progressively longer. Between a second and

third course eight weeks should elapse, between a third and fourth course twelve weeks,

between a fourth and fifth course twenty weeks and between a fifth and sixth course six

months. In this way it is possible to bring about a weight reduction of 100 lbs. and more

if required without the least hardship to the patient.

In general, men do slightly better than women and often reach a somewhat higher

average daily loss. Very advanced cases do a little better than early ones, but it is a

remarkable fact that this difference is only just statistically significant.

Weigh In Daily for Long Term Weight Loss SUCCESS!

Your Scale and YOU

Unlike other plans that recommend weighing in weekly or less often, of course the HCG plan states you should weigh yourself daily.

Even after you meet your weight goals, research has shown that people who’ve lost weight and continue to weigh themselves regularly afterward are better able to keep the weight off.

So plan to make friends with your scale for the rest of your life.

“Daily?” you ask (please don’t frown or curse too much – lol).
Yes! Studies show that people who weigh themselves daily are more successful at long-term weight loss than those who weigh themselves weekly. Experts speculate that frequent weigh-ins remind you of your goals and help keep you motivated. Many fitness centers and programs feel that an essential part of this daily weighing strategy is tracking your weight on a graph. A graph helps you to see the big picture: Rather than focusing on one day’s number, you’re looking at trends over several days, weeks, or months. There’s nothing more motivating than seeing that line move downward over time! I today’s technology tracking your weight is easy — simply enter your weight each day on a phone app ( there are so many to choose from) and it will automatically graph your results.
Just like writing weight fluctuations, inch loss and what you are eating (what works and what doesn’t) in a journal ( graphs are good because they can help you to become accustomed to the fact that the number on the scale does fluctuate each day. The line won’t always move downward, and that’s okay. Weight normally varies from day to day, based on factors like how much water your body is retaining, among others. Seeing these normal fluctuations on a graph keeps a person from getting discouraged by them — they look past the little ups and downs and focus on the larger trends.
Another advantage to graphing with daily weigh-ins is that it helps you self-monitor more effectively. If you see your weight beginning to trend in the wrong direction, you can take steps to nip that trend in the bud asap.
Of course, weighing in daily isn’t right for everyone. If you’ve ever had an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia or if you find it extremely upsetting to get on the scale, you should talk to your doctor or mental health–care provider. Otherwise, give it a try and see how it works for you!

If daily weighing is a good strategy for you, I encourage you to keep it up —
The times that I have “stumbled” while maintaining my new size thanks to my HCG journey was when I slacked on weighing daily.

Jumping on the scale each morning will greatly increase your chances of both short-term and lifelong success.

How to Get REAL HCG

The Online Site I Preferred to Buy My HCG from

It was brought to my attention that the online site I had purchased my 1st batch of HCG from is no longer functioning,the site was Pharmacy Escrow. After that purchase I found out that Pharmacy escrow and All Day Chemist were one in the same. I don’t know this for fact but wonder if the company simply decided to have the whole thing be under the All Day Chemist name. The second purchase I made was with I liked their prices and YES they were reliable!

After that I did buy from All Day Chemist so I could advise based on experience if someone asked my opinion.That site was fine, I wasn’t thrilled by the payment method they use but I got what I ordered with out any issue.

Below is an except of an older post of which HCG  I bought and the supplies I needed as well.

A prescription wasn’t needed. I prefer to get Hucog brand or the generic version of it. I have also used Corion and it was fine too. To save on the shipping and handling I always purchased 3 at a time. And since I preferred to do 40 day rounds I would buy 5000 iu. I have the mixing breakdown on this blog for both 5000 iu and 2000 iu. But I am most familiar with the 5000 iu. The bacteriostatic water can be bought online from medical supply and even bodybuilder websites. My very first round I bought a supply “kit” that had everything to get started except for the hcg. After that because I had examples at my fingertips of what I needed I would get everything on my own.

Link to How to Mix HCG

Link to How to HCG Mix Directions

HCG Drops – Yes or No

HCG DROPS – There are so many different choices now

QUESTION  – Hi , basically my major concern is getting the right product that works..and instead of the injections i would rather get the drops i purchased one at gnc and I did not even open the bottle because i am thinking this is not gonna work lol… anyway thanks for getting back to me ..Have a great day!

My Answer – After giving platelets, injections would bother me the least 😉

The environment of HCG has changed SO much since I started in Jan 2010.
The only reason I thought sub-lingual would be OK is because of youtubers that proved results like mamaclok. But really from reading pounds & inches I feel that doing it the way Doctor Simeon did it made the most sense. I hear from others that even clinics that advertise drops etc.tell you once they have you in the office that injections are the most affective.

All the products that are on store shelves I am not confident in. If real HCG must me refrigerated once mixed how is all the shelf stuff keeping its true potency?

Bottom line – I hit beyond my goal May of 2010. I just took MORE after pictures today in size 25 jeans (the smallest size MissMe carries). Plus my hair is growing better than before I knew about HCG ( my hairstylist is AMAZED). My doctor and his nurses all say I look so fit and young. These are the same people that treated a 208 lbs Colleen. So given all that if I had to make the choice all over again on the method to use I would do it all the same.

Get Pure HCG

I hope you are ok with my honesty –
Colleen =)
Please Keep me posted on how you do.

My Very 1st Round on HCG

My 1st HCG 40 Day Round Spreadsheet

I was afraid it was gone forever (like my fat – lol)

I had looked high and low, finally I found it  – guess where – As a bookmark in my Atkins Book.

My daughter was sweet enough to type out my chicken scratch so I could post the progress of my 1st round (in 2010) and share with you all. I chose to do a 40 day round. Because I was in denial of the size I was I thought I could knock out one HCG round and be done. That wasn’t the case BUT progressing on was the best thing I EVER did. Next thing I knew I was getting into sizes and scale numbers I thought could only be a DREAM! Thank you GOD & HCG.

Here is Where it All Started

Very 1st VLOG… Sorry for the bad video quality. I was encoragaged to share my jouney so I did (though sacared at the time).

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HCG Cooking Tips