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HCG-Getting Back to Basics

Starting HCG

Like many  great people out there I have been experiencing quite the crazy year. Situations, changes and losses that can weigh emotionally heavy on a person’s heart and mind.

So after a lot of thought and soul searching I have decided for many reasons to do a round.

I have not gained horribly and actually my clothes fit but not as comfortable as I like them to. I made one cardinal sin with maintenance…avoided the scale for too long. During the turbulent time of this years beginning I simply didn’t want to “deal”.

Then the over thinking of ” if I go back on HCG will I be letting those I have been helping down”?

With that mind conversation  I finally remembered that other HCGers that I know and respect at different times have decided to do another round and I didn’t have negative judgement on them.If anything I welcomed them back with open arms encouragement!

So now with all the song lyrics that are going through my mind that motivate me to start fresh I am excited about this!

Foo fighter’s “Walk” or Aerosmith’s “Back in the Saddle” and all that 😉

So my plan on my blog is to share different info that I come across that I know helps me stay on track.

I will also do a you tube vlog very soon…FUN Times!!

Even with this decision I know that I have maintained better than at any other time in my “dieting career”. I call it that because I started dieting when I was in elementary school. Not one single other method has kept the weight off like this. I began my HCG journey  in January 201o. It is now 2012  and would I admit it is debatable whether I really would need to do a round based on how much I want to lose.

But I have decided I want Pounds & Inches manuscript to be sure I was weighing the right amount.

I already saw a video and read research that will help motivate me to stay on track and I will share that with you too.

My goal with this website was to help people  by sharing my experiences and what I learn.

So my plan is to help me and in turn I hope to help you!


How to Get REAL HCG

The Online Site I Preferred to Buy My HCG from

It was brought to my attention that the online site I had purchased my 1st batch of HCG from is no longer functioning,the site was Pharmacy Escrow. After that purchase I found out that Pharmacy escrow and All Day Chemist were one in the same. I don’t know this for fact but wonder if the company simply decided to have the whole thing be under the All Day Chemist name. The second purchase I made was with I liked their prices and YES they were reliable!

After that I did buy from All Day Chemist so I could advise based on experience if someone asked my opinion.That site was fine, I wasn’t thrilled by the payment method they use but I got what I ordered with out any issue.

Below is an except of an older post of which HCG  I bought and the supplies I needed as well.

A prescription wasn’t needed. I prefer to get Hucog brand or the generic version of it. I have also used Corion and it was fine too. To save on the shipping and handling I always purchased 3 at a time. And since I preferred to do 40 day rounds I would buy 5000 iu. I have the mixing breakdown on this blog for both 5000 iu and 2000 iu. But I am most familiar with the 5000 iu. The bacteriostatic water can be bought online from medical supply and even bodybuilder websites. My very first round I bought a supply “kit” that had everything to get started except for the hcg. After that because I had examples at my fingertips of what I needed I would get everything on my own.

Link to How to Mix HCG

Link to How to HCG Mix Directions

HCG Question of the Day-Broccoli and Coconut oil?

Can You Eat Broccoli and Coconut Oil on P2???


My wife is doing this diet and she is on day 24 and has lost 16lbs. She had read on some other site that your not supposed to eat Broccoli during phase 2. Is that true? And also when can you use coconut oil? We are seeing mixed things on coconut oil that it can make you stall.


First off I would like to commend you on being a good support for your wife,and congrats on her success so far!
Now here is the confusion with the protocol. The original manuscript did not include broccoli or coconut oil. During the time I did my rounds I did not eat broccoli even though I do like it. I didn’t do the coconut oil either. I did take MCT oil which has the benefits like coconut oil. I have seen coconut oil effect some HCGers very well yet others it will cause a stall or gain. So all I can say is if she REALLY wants it she should try it with caution,journal when she has it and log the results. That way she can see how it will work or not for her. Now back to the broccoli. I have heard some HCGers say they do a plan that also has an increased calorie count per day of 800 and it includes broccoli. So again if your wife really wants it, do same with journaling.That is the best way to identify a common thread with what works and what should be avoided.


My Very 1st Round on HCG

My 1st HCG 40 Day Round Spreadsheet

I was afraid it was gone forever (like my fat – lol)

I had looked high and low, finally I found it  – guess where – As a bookmark in my Atkins Book.

My daughter was sweet enough to type out my chicken scratch so I could post the progress of my 1st round (in 2010) and share with you all. I chose to do a 40 day round. Because I was in denial of the size I was I thought I could knock out one HCG round and be done. That wasn’t the case BUT progressing on was the best thing I EVER did. Next thing I knew I was getting into sizes and scale numbers I thought could only be a DREAM! Thank you GOD & HCG.

Here is Where it All Started

Very 1st VLOG… Sorry for the bad video quality. I was encoragaged to share my jouney so I did (though sacared at the time).

My Mac Nut Fast Explained

HCG & Fat Fast-

Why I Do it Using Macadamia Nuts

And Though it is Hard to Believe it Works While on P2

Do your HCG Homework Before Ordering your HCG!

The type of HHCG you get MATTERS

Me the blogger is not saying the hhcg is bad – All I want you to be aware of is who is selling to you??? I check “spam filters” at work during the day and see HCG ads all the time. It breaks mt heart because I Know HCG WORKS!!!!!But Unfortunately there are those that don’t care what they are “selling”, all I can say is Get the RIGHT stuff! By saying that I don’t mean you HAVE to do injections. BUT be sure what you are doing is the “real deal”!

Now Here is Today’s Question

QUESTION: I’ve been on your site and I think it’s super duper helpful. I really like your vibe and find you very inspiring.

I’m kind of in a tough situation with HCG. I decided to try the homeopathic route because I was afraid of side effects. I clearly didn’t do enough research before I started. I’m on day 24 now. I’ve lost 12.9lbs so far (started at 202.5). I’m pretty starving a lot of the day. I’ve decided I’m going to switch over to Rx injections for my next round. I really want to get to that next round quickly. I’m really not losing any each day – like .2lbs if that. I’m inclined to stop the HHCG now, do a 3 week P3 and then start up R2 with injections. What do you think?

I know the weight isn’t going to come off quickly. It certainly took me many years to get this heavy so I don’t expect an easy road to goal weight. But I kind of feel like I’m wasting time on HHCG. I’ve kept to protocol except for 1 day early on when I had a small glass of wine. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

ANSWER: Yeah, if you are starving something isn’t right. Since you are on day 24 you can consider that your 1st round and do P3. You should get your HCG by the time you’re are ready for round 2. Congrats on getting to ONEerland – that is awesome! I list where I have purchased my HCG. Out of the 3 “Reliable” is my favorite, but all deliver what you need and want.
Let me know if I can help with anything else.

Here is the Link to where I prefer to buy my  HCG

Cycling/Interuptions – Explained

HCG – This Article Inspired Me To Cycle;

I understood when making this choice that there was a possibility that stabilizing would be a uphill climb.I admit that I am a impatient person. I also want to point out that I respect and admire the HCGers that choose to do the rounds and breaks correctly as protocol is designed. Patience IS a virtue … I decided on the “fast track”…But hey, they (meaning me) don’t call me “lab rat” for nothing 😉 – Colleen

Here is another HCGer’s journey –

I have been getting lots of questions on cycling lately. It’s not something that I can give a short answer to (is anything ever in my world?) so I decided to write an article about it. There are several things that come into play that made me decide to do what I assumed would be my “final” round in cycles.

There are more than a few things that come into play – and these are things that I have personally come up with having months on months of PURIST PROTOCOL under my belt, along with rounds that totaled 8 weeks (1st Round), 6 weeks (2nd Round), 3 weeks (3rd Round) and 4 weeks (4th Round) before I even considered doing things this way.

Why do I say that? I get questioned sometimes about my pulling away from Dr. Simeon’s book, and what gives me that right? First, I have the right because I did 4 rounds (total of 21 weeks with a loss of 98.8 lbs) following his protocol to a “T” – I have the supporting data to find out what works and what doesn’t for me and I have used that information to make informed decisions on my own “self doctoring” path that I have chosen in My HCG Journey.

In looking over how I arrived at the decision to spend my 5th round in cycles, I considered the following:

      Head in the Game


      Minimum Course


      Unforeseen Interruptions


      P3 Breaks


    Jump Start Losses

Let’s go over this ONE by ONE.

Head in the Game

I wrote an article and in it was discussed the whole MIND GAME routine we play with ourselves and how it relates to the protocol. I have found that it is EASY PEASY to commit to a “short round” and have the OPTION of making it longer, than trying to do this long butt round and being disappointed in the results. So since I knew what the MINIMUM course was – I figured I could be on HCG for 3 weeks at a time. Ah, so then my next point logically is this:

Minimum Course

In his book Pounds and Inches, Dr. Simeon’s says this under “Duration of Treatment”:

We never give a treatment lasting less than 26 days, even in patients needing to lose only 5 pounds. It seems that even in the mildest cases of obesity the diencephalon requires about three weeks rest from the maximal exertion to which it has been previously subjected in order to regain fully its normal fat-banking capacity. Clinically this expresses itself in the fact that when in these mild cases treatment is stopped as soon as the weight is normal, which may be achieved in a week, it is much more easily regained than after a full course of 23 injections.

So it stands to reason that you can do a SHORT course as per his instructions with NO issues. In doing SHORT cycles like this, you will then ward off any possibility of “Immunity” that Dr. Simeon’s talks about in his book. In any case, I have my thoughts on IMMUNITY as well; in so much as it is NOT the factor that Dr. Simeon’s thought it was in his day. The unfortunate thing is that Dr. Simeon’s passed long before he could complete his research – but really, this is a thought for another day.

So we have established that 3 week cycles are AOK – now what about the breaks? Let’s look at what Dr. Simeon’s says about “Unforeseen Interruptions”:

Unforeseen Interruptions

Unforeseen Interruptions of Treatment

If an interruption of treatment lasting more than four days is necessary, the patient must increase his diet to at least 800 Calories by adding meat, eggs, cheese, and milk to his diet after the third day, as otherwise he will find himself so hungry and weak that he is unable to go about his usual occupation. If the interval lasts less than two weeks the patient can directly resume injections and the 500-Calorie diet, but if the interruption lasts longer he must again eat normally until he has had his third injection.

When a patient knows beforehand that he will have to travel and be absent for more than four days, it is always better to stop injections three days before he is due to leave so that he can have the three days of strict dieting which are necessary after the last injection at home. This saves him from the almost impossible task of having to arrange the 500 Calorie diet while en route, and he can thus enjoy a much greater dietary freedom from the day of his departure. Interruptions occurring before 20 effective injections have been given are most undesirable, because with less than that number of injections some weight is liable to be regained. After the 20th injection an unavoidable interruption is merely a loss of time.

In other words, he says there would be situations that would be needed to be considered where you had to take a break, you would have to have AT LEAST 800 calories and that if the interruption was LESS than 14 days you go straight back into VLCD with your first dose of HCG, but if it were LONGER than 14 days you would eat NORMALLY for two days with HCG and then the THIRD DAY would be a VLCD day with a dose of HCG. And he also tells us that after the 20th injection, you are pretty safe – so are you beginning to see my line of reasoning in my breaks?

I have chosen to keep my breaks while I am CYCLING this round to between 7 – 10 days long each. That is my choice. But you have until the 21st day on a break for it still to be considered a cycle because anything MORE than that would be an ENTIRE PHASE 3 break, and your round would be complete. A round is a COMPLETE Phase 2 and a COMPLETE Phase 3 – and then however many days you decide to do in Phase 4 – anything less than that it becomes a cycle (or it does in my world!).

So then, what happens when I am breaking for 7 – 10 days?

P3 Breaks

You have to follow the same procedure as you do with a regular P3 break; you do it with NO sugars and NO starches. This cycling thing is not for the faint of heart, no ma’am. You must maintain during the short break or your time will be wasted. Believe me, I speak from experience. This last short break I took has been the best so far since I started cycling, as I have lost a total of 7 pounds in 7 days. I started at only 2.4 over my LIW – and within 48 hours I was already below LIW and into “virgin territory”. Let me illustrate:

From LIW which was on August 18 (148.2) till today, September 9 (143.6) I have lost a total of 4.6 lbs in 21 days, of which only 10 of those days were VLCD, the other 11 days were spent maintaining and eating pretty much how I want. 4.6 lbs in 21 days on ANY weight loss program is pretty sweet. When you consider the loss of 4.6 lbs in 10 VLCD days? Well then, that is even MORE sweet. In other words, it WORKS for me.

Last but not least, as with anyone with a bunch of data behind them, they know one thing for sure:


Yup! I didn’t have to tell you this did I? I like those monster losses at the beginning and my head is way more into the game then, so why should I suffer? At first, I was like everyone else, afraid this wouldn’t work after the first time, but here I am over 100 lbs lost later, and it is STILL working. So that being said, that is why I chose to CYCLE.

How Many Ounces is 100 Grams? – Conversion Calculator

How Many Ounces is 100 Grams?

I get asked that a lot when HCGers are starting P2 protocol. I had the same question too.

Here is a good post to reference to figure it all out

BTW – 3.5 OZ equals 100 grams 😉

Conversion Calculator

Want to double that recipe…or cut it in half…or even thirds? Can’t remember how many grams are in an ounce or how many quarts in a liter? Click on our free, easy-to-use Conversion Calculator to quickly and easily convert dozens of standard and metric units. You’ll be able to find common equivalents for weight, volume, length, and calories in the quick reference table, and get precise, customized conversions with ease.

Weight Measures


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 lb. = 16 oz. 1 oz. = 0.0625 lb.
1 ton = 2000 lb. 1 lb. = 0.0005 ton


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 oz. = 28.35 gr. 1 gr. = 0.03527 oz.
1 kg = 1000 gm. 1 gm. = 0.001 kg.
1 lb. = 0.4536 kg. 1 kg. = 2.2046 lb.

Dry Measures


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 qt. = 2 pints 1 pint = 0.5 qt.
1 peck = 8 qt. 1 qt. = 0.125 peck


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 qt. dry = 1.101 l. 1 l. = 0.908 qt. dry
1 peck = 8.810 l. 1 l. = 0.1135 peck

Liquid Measures


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 pint = 2 cup 1 cup = 0.5 pints
1 qt. = 2 pints 1 pints = 0.5 qt.
1 gl. = 4 qt. 1 qt. = 0.250 gl.
1 gl. = 8 pints 1 pint = 0.125 gl.


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 US gl. = 0.833 Imp. gl. 1 Imp. gl. = 1.201 US gl.
1 Imp. gl. = 4.546 l. 1 l. = 0.2200 Imp. gl.
1 l. = 0.264 US gl. 1 US gl. = 3.7879 l.
1 l. = 1.0567 qt. liquid 1 qt. liquid = 0.9463 l.

HCG – Mini Steak Day Explained

Question –

I listened to your vlog and then went to your website and you said “Steak was eaten if I decided to do a mini steak day. I use to like doing that one day a week during my rounds.”
Can you tell me exactly what you ate on your mini steak days and did this help with not stalling?
Would love to know!

Answer –

Back in the day there was a wonderful HCGer from the UK that would vlog and had wonderful results. She talked about a “propa” mini steak day. I started doing it too and liked doing it one day a week while on P2. All it is , is this – 4 OZ of lean steak and one apple. It is up to you if you want to divide it up or divide it though the day. I would get the best fillet Mignon in the butcher case and the tastiest apple  and save it all for my dinner portion. Of course drink lots of water and tea through out the day till then.

And YES – Every week ( I chose to do mini steak days on Saturday) I saw a NICE release to “cap off” the week 😉

HCG Questions Answered – Fat Releases,Hunger,Exercise,Expectations

HCG and Diet Tricks for other Diet Plans too!

A very sweet HCGer wrote –

Thanks so much for all this wonderful info. You are so amazing to take the time to share your experience, advice and recommendations for us fellow and newbie HCGers… I have a couple of questions for you since this is the first time I am doing this on my own.

Question – I have had good results of 11.6 lbs in 22 days… But here are my concerns maybe you can provide some insight on. I am doing injections 5000iu and started off at 150 but a week and 1/2 into it, I lowered it to 125. Some days I will do anywhere from 125-145… I will only slightly increase it if the day before I was a bit hungrier than I am comfortable with, or if my cravings are outa this world, so I have only done this about 3 times after starting 125. Um other than that? i am not sure what is going on.

My Answer – I think lowering to 125 was a good idea. The days you feel you need to increase I wonder why you don’t move up only by lets say 5 to 130. Spiking to 145 could very well be too much. You are mixing with 10 ml Bac water right?

As far as cravings – Have you tried other tricks instead of increasing your dose to cut the cravings or hunger pangs?

AVC/MCT drink shot
L-Glutamine (poured under the tongue)
Or even just ACV – Apple Cider Vinegar

Question – I was expecting a much bigger loss, although 11.6 is great! I am seeing WAY bigger losses for so many other people so I am getting a bit discouraged… =( and since I am doing about 30ish days,I was thinking about increasing to 46 days, but don’t know if it is worth it at the rate I am going…

My Answer – You haven’t said your start weight or your goal so if you don’t have a lot of abnormal fat the amount you have released in 22 days is awesome.

People talk about a pound or more a day. As we know women release less than men can. I know when I was expecting a pound a day, men on HCG would comment back that half a pound for women was more realistic. Darn those guys – Lol.

Question – I have also noticed my body losing inches, but not really around my tummy area, or upper arms which are the HUGEST problem areas for me. I only am noticing a great difference in my thighs, hips and buttocks, (mainly the last). Do you think this is normal? I am starting to think maybe my HCG is not potent or I may be doing something wrong…

My Answer – My arms were the last to show a significant loss in inches. Since Dr.S called his protocol “Pound & Inches” I bet you look as though you have lost 22 pounds as far as how much you have shrunk. Where you are losing first, have patience it will all proportion in the long run since this is all based on releasing the abnormal fat.

Question – I have cut out melba/grissini out and sometimes only eat one fruit. I am following Dr. S original protocol, so I do not know why these results seem to be “not normal” or fairly low… Do you think I may just have too high expectations?

My Answer – Early in my rounds I didn’t care about the grissini either and I would skip fruit a lot of times. BUT it wasn’t to try to increase my releases. I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t care about it.
If you are experiencing hunger you should at least add the fruit back in. Definitely keep your protein consumption, which is important.

Question – Also, what do you feel about exercising, like ab work and arm/leg toning? As for the exercise, I was going to the gym for about 3-4 weeks prior to beginning HCG… but cut it out when I started

My Answer – Since your body was use to the exercise then it stopped your body probably thought “what the heck happened?”. If it was me at this point I wouldn’t go full blown back into the routine you had been doing before (I don’t know what that was, cardio, weights etc). But start back to walking to get your heart going 😉

What you didn’t ask about but I want to add is –

Are you drinking the proper amount of water?

Here comes TMI – are your bowel movements consistent?

Have you done a Detox Bath?

When you eat your protein are you not consuming too much beef?
I mainly go for fish and chicken.
Steak was eaten if I decided to do a mini steak day. I use to like doing that one day a week during my rounds.
And are you sure that you are eating the correct veggies for P2 and also not mixing types of veggies.

The last question is for those that are using the original protocol.
I know there are variations floating out there. I need to still look into those further before I can have a “say” about them.

Journal what you are eating everyday and see if you can see a common thread. For example there are some HCGer’s that even though oranges are on P2 find that every time they decide to eat an orange they didn’t have a release or they might even have a slight gain. The argument I’ve heard is “an orange has the same calories as an apple”
But you know what? The 2 fruits do different things in and for your body.

Example – apples are a natural diuretic which is why Dr. Simeon came up with “apple day”. It wasn’t for the patient to release fat. It was so mentally the patient would “feel better” because they would see the scale numbers go down. It was simply water weight that made the difference. This is also why though we are suppose to drink plenty of water while on P2 – if we do an apple day he said to keep water consumption to a minimum.

Now remember everyone – I am not a Doctor, I am a fellow HCGer that likes helping others with their journey! 🙂

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HCG Cooking Tips