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Get Started with HCG



Hi, I ran into your page through youtube, been looking to start on hcg I want to loose 30 pounds
but don't know where to start if you can please tell me how many vials to buy
and the list of the things I need to buy to start on hcg please

Steps I took when I decided to start my HCG journey

Though this was not the first online pharmacy I used it is the one I like the best.


Because the HCG is not expensive but shipping and handling is the same whether

you get one vial or 3 I opted to get 3. I always got 3 whenever I ordered.

When not mixed they have a long shelf life plus i keep mine in the fridge even when not mixed.


I always ordered the 5000 iu.

The brands of HCG I have gotten in the past based on availability are Hucog, Corion, and Novarel.

Next for my first round I ordered a kit that had all the mixing supplies and syringes from

Amanda that runs that website was one of the first mixing vlogs

I watched on you tube and when I ordered was good about answering my questions.

Granted later once I knew what I needed I could order the supplies online myself for less money.

But for the first time it was nice to have everything I needed in one easy kit.

Sometimes peace of mind that you have the right stuff out weights the cost. The kit was approx $60

but it got me through if I remember right 3 rounds. Speaking of cost, if you are a seasoned dieter

like I have been all the different programs, supplements diet doctors etc that we have gone through

in the past in the grand scheme of things I would say my HCG journey was the most affordable.


NEXT while waiting for my hcg and supplies to arrive the MOST important thing

I did was READ the POUNDS & INCHES Manuscript over and over again.

I am not a person who loves to read BUT this is vital for a lot of reasons.

You need to truly understand why this protocol works especially when there

are so many hcg protocol “want-a- be’s” lurking out there now.

If you do the food plan without the REAL HCG you will not get the right result

and yes you will be hungry and for good reason (starved).

Step 2 – I watched YouTube to hear from other hcger on their journey and

about how to mix the HCG and recipes people had come up with.

Another word of CAUTION…From the time I started till now the environment is different on youtube.

Unfortunately when people or companies think there is a fast buck to be made they want to jump on the wagon.

Use Discernment when you watch a vlog. If it is all looking to “slick” I would move on.

Watch the people that you can tell are simply sharing their journey with you.

And if a channel looks like the vlog you are watching isn’t made on the channel you are one that is another red flag.

I have had to report copy write  infringement reports a few times because someone ripped my vlog

and put it on their channel so people would go to their website and buy what they were selling. And it was probably not even real hcg 🙁

Step 3 -Get or make sure you have the tools to gauge your success.

1 – Take your measurements measure EVERY area you can. Trust me later you will be glad you did.
(a Myotape is recommended)

I know this is a tough one. I didn’t take any but thankfully my brother

had snapped off some vacation shots that I hated looking at but was thankful

to have once I was in my “after stage” 🙂

Since you will do as I say and not do as I do 😉

Take from , back and both sides. Trust me later it will be worth it!


3 -scale to weigh the protein portions

$ Have a good body scale that also gives you body percentages.
below is the one I have but there are others now that you don’t

Have to “tap” to turn on

This probably looks very daunting at this point but it really is simple

and so very worth it when you realize the results you are going to get

will be more than you could have ever dreamed!

I have the protocol manuscript, measuring spreadsheets, and progress sheets

All free to download. Plus links to get to the various items so that should help a bit. 🙂


P.S. speaking you youtube I know I am WAY overdue to post a vlog.

I will do my best to post one in the near future.

Till then keep me posted on all your great success and let me know if you have questions 🙂


What Are HCG Phases?

Question of the Day – What Are HCG Phases?

Question: Thank you so much for all your help. I have ordered my hcg and supply kit. I’m very confused on the different phases though. Do you have something explaining this on youtube or on your blog?

My Answer:

Your question motivated me to create a blog post explaining the phase thing. Simply put phase 2, phase 3 lingo was done through Kevin Trudeau who basically took Dr Simeons original protocol from the 1960’s ( gave him credit for the research in his own book “The Weight Loss Cure” But put a spin on a few things so he could make a pretty penny by reintroducing this theory . As time has gone on the terminology has basically blended together as one.

I tell all newbie’s who are willing to listen “READ Pounds and inches over and over again” When asked a question I still find myself going back to it and reading it. I always end up reading more that what answers the questions because the research is so fascinating. I have a free pdf available on my website so it is easy to get.
Pounds and Inches

I feel reading the original protocol also enables you to truly understand why this will be so incredibly different and successful than anything you have done before.

Below is merely “snippets” of what Kevin Trudeau renamed as “Phases”. The Dr explains as “Courses.

In Trudeau lingo he also includes Phase 4 which all that is , is lifetime maintenance and a Phase 1 which was a “detox” phase and another way for him to capitalize monetarily.

Don’t get me wrong I think detoxing is a great thing to do. And being an entrepreneur can be a very good thing. I didn’t do a detox right before starting my HCG journey. But I had done a fasting detox that I have talked about in past you tube vlogs.


My motto for a long time now came from the great Zig Ziglar,

“You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”



Phase 2 (P2)

As explained in Dr Simeons Pounds and Inches

The Diet

The 500 calorie diet is explained on the day of the second injection to those patients who

will be preparing their own food, and it is most important that the person who will

actually cook is present – the wife, the mother or the cook, as the case may be. Here in

Italy patients are given the following diet sheet.

Breakfast: Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar.

Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24

hours. Saccharin or Stevia may be used.

Lunch: 1. 100 grams of veal, beef, chicken

breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab,

or shrimp. All visible fat must be

carefully removed before cooking, and

the meat must be weighed raw. It must

be boiled or grilled without additional

fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or

pickled fish are not allowed. The

chicken breast must be removed from

the bird.

2. One type of vegetable only to be

chosen from the following: spinach,

chard, chicory, beet-greens, green

salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions,

red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus,


3. One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba


4. An apple or a handful of strawberries

or one-half grapefruit.

Dinner : The same four choices as lunch.

The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard

powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, majoram, etc., may be used for seasoning, but

no oil, butter or dressing.

Tea, coffee, plain water, or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be

taken in any quantity and at all times.


The Duration of Treatment

Patients who need to lose 15 pounds (7 kg.) or less require 26 days treatment with 23

daily injections. The extra three days are needed because all patients must continue the

500-calorie diet for three days after the last injection. This is a very essential part of the

treatment, because if they start eating normally as long as there is even a trace of HCG in

their body they put on weight alarmingly at the end of the treatment. After three days

when all the HCG has been eliminated this does not happen, because the blood is then no

longer saturated with food and can thus accommodate an extra influx from the intestines

without increasing its volume by retaining water.

We never give a treatment lasting less than 26 days, even in patients needing to lose only

5 pounds. It seems that even in the mildest cases of obesity the diencephalon requires

about three weeks rest from the maximal exertion to which it has been previously

subjected in order to regain fully its normal fat-banking capacity. Clinically this

expresses itself, in the fact that, when in these mild cases, treatment is stopped as soon as

the weight is normal, which may be achieved in a week, it is much more easily regained

than after a full course of 23 injections.

As soon as such patients have lost all their abnormal superfluous fat, they at once begin

to feel ravenously hungry with continued injections. This is because HCG only puts

abnormal fat into circulation and cannot, in the doses used, liberate normal fat deposits;

indeed, it seems to prevent their consumption.


Phase 3  (P3)

As explained in Dr Simeons Pounds and inches

As soon as their statistically normal weight

is reached, these patients are put on 800-1000 calories for the rest of the treatment. The diet is arranged in such a way that the weight remains perfectly stationary and is thus

continued for three days after the 23rd injection. Only then are the patients free to eat

anything they please except sugar and starches for the next three weeks.

Such early cases are common among actresses, models, and persons who are tired of

obesity, having seen its ravages in other members of their family. Film actresses

frequently explain that they must weigh less than normal. With this request we flatly

refuse to comply, first, because we undertake to cure a disorder, not to create a new one,

and second, because it is in the nature of the HCG method that it is self limiting. It

becomes completely ineffective as soon as all abnormal fat is consumed. Actresses with a

slight tendency to obesity, having tried all manner of reducing methods, invariably come

to the conclusion that their figure is satisfactory only when they are underweight, simply

because none of these methods remove their superfluous fat deposits. When they see that

under HCG their figure improves out of all proportion to the amount of weight lost, they

are nearly always content to remain within their normal weight-range.

When a patient has more than 15 pounds to lose the treatment takes longer but the

maximum we give in a single course is 40 injections, nor do we as a rule allow patients to

lose more than 34 lbs. (15 Kg.) at a time. The treatment is stopped when either 34 lbs.

have been lost or 40 injections have been given. The only exception we make is in the

case of grotesquely obese patients who may be allowed to lose an additional 5-6 lbs.

if this occurs before the 40 injections are up.


Further Courses

Patients requiring the loss of more than 34 lbs. must have a second or even more courses.

A second course can be started after an interval of not less than six weeks, though the

pause can be more than six weeks. When a third, fourth or even fifth course is necessary,

the interval between courses should be made progressively longer. Between a second and

third course eight weeks should elapse, between a third and fourth course twelve weeks,

between a fourth and fifth course twenty weeks and between a fifth and sixth course six

months. In this way it is possible to bring about a weight reduction of 100 lbs. and more

if required without the least hardship to the patient.

In general, men do slightly better than women and often reach a somewhat higher

average daily loss. Very advanced cases do a little better than early ones, but it is a

remarkable fact that this difference is only just statistically significant.

Weigh In Daily for Long Term Weight Loss SUCCESS!

Your Scale and YOU

Unlike other plans that recommend weighing in weekly or less often, of course the HCG plan states you should weigh yourself daily.

Even after you meet your weight goals, research has shown that people who’ve lost weight and continue to weigh themselves regularly afterward are better able to keep the weight off.

So plan to make friends with your scale for the rest of your life.

“Daily?” you ask (please don’t frown or curse too much – lol).
Yes! Studies show that people who weigh themselves daily are more successful at long-term weight loss than those who weigh themselves weekly. Experts speculate that frequent weigh-ins remind you of your goals and help keep you motivated. Many fitness centers and programs feel that an essential part of this daily weighing strategy is tracking your weight on a graph. A graph helps you to see the big picture: Rather than focusing on one day’s number, you’re looking at trends over several days, weeks, or months. There’s nothing more motivating than seeing that line move downward over time! I today’s technology tracking your weight is easy — simply enter your weight each day on a phone app ( there are so many to choose from) and it will automatically graph your results.
Just like writing weight fluctuations, inch loss and what you are eating (what works and what doesn’t) in a journal ( graphs are good because they can help you to become accustomed to the fact that the number on the scale does fluctuate each day. The line won’t always move downward, and that’s okay. Weight normally varies from day to day, based on factors like how much water your body is retaining, among others. Seeing these normal fluctuations on a graph keeps a person from getting discouraged by them — they look past the little ups and downs and focus on the larger trends.
Another advantage to graphing with daily weigh-ins is that it helps you self-monitor more effectively. If you see your weight beginning to trend in the wrong direction, you can take steps to nip that trend in the bud asap.
Of course, weighing in daily isn’t right for everyone. If you’ve ever had an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia or if you find it extremely upsetting to get on the scale, you should talk to your doctor or mental health–care provider. Otherwise, give it a try and see how it works for you!

If daily weighing is a good strategy for you, I encourage you to keep it up —
The times that I have “stumbled” while maintaining my new size thanks to my HCG journey was when I slacked on weighing daily.

Jumping on the scale each morning will greatly increase your chances of both short-term and lifelong success.

HCG and Life

How to Do HCG

Life has many ups and downs right???

So we ask ourselves, ” How do we stay on Protocol even during Life’s challenges?’

Well I’m here to say yes it is tough…BUT…what you do have control over is your choices!!!!!

Besides my 40 hour job and helping all you wonderful HCG peeps I also have a side job.

I have private hair clients, One client being…. get 105 years old.

I know , your 1st thought is “that is great but so what?” Well she has cared more about her fashion statement more than 20 year old’s that I have serviced.

Well make a long story short… I got the call today that she isn’t doing well… I know…I know… those who don’t know her are simply saying ‘shocker” (with sarcasm)

Well, I am posting this BECAUSE……..right after Superbowl I started a new hcg round and the very next day lost a very close friend. I was able to endure the 1st few days then made the decision to interrupt the round based in my emotions and obligations to the passing persons family.

SOOO with today’s new news I have decided that the ONE control I have over are my choices.

SO now that I have shared what has lead up to my decision what I want to say is no matter what ..I will stay on this new round…please share with me and encourage me as I would encourage YOU…hugs to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goal Planning for a Healthy New Year!

 HCG  – Planning for a Healthy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!
I am so excited for all of you who have had an amazing journey so far and experienced the benefits of HCG.
Those of you gearing up for the new year of of transformation I am equally excited for you because I know what the future holds your you!
I want to include this article that I read because outside of HCG as a method there is a lot to say about keeping yourself accountable and really having a clear picture of where you want to be. It’s not just about fitting in clothes you have your eye on or a number on the scale and measuring tape. Good health and being able to feel and move the way you want to is a wonderful GIFT!
Be Blessed and Prosperous with all that this New Year has to offer us!


Your Plan For A New YOU

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

You know what I really love?….  A List!

They keep you organized, on track, and are a GREAT way to MEASURE success.

And with this year ending and new one beginning, what can YOU do to make your HEALTH and WELLNESS a top priority?

Start a NEW list.

One which will hold you ACCOUNTABLE for all of your health, weight, and wellness goals!

So here is a good way to get started.

Better grab your pen and paper, and get ready to plan your new year and a NEW YOU.

Step #1: Where Do You See Your Weight/Health In The Coming Year?

Have you started out every year the same?

You’re gung-ho about eating right, going to the gym, and exercising for about three weeks, then you quit.

You stop seeing results and you say the heck with it!

The first step is to sit down and clarify what YOU want for next year.

Do you want to drop a dress size?

Do you want to fit into your skinny jeans again?

Whatever the goal, write it down.

Writing it down may keep you accountable
and hold you to accomplishing your goal

Step #2: Develop A Path To Your Goal.

Everyone needs a path or a plan.

A way to go from point A to point B!

What is your path?

Having small steps or goals may help you move
successfully from point A to point B

The goals are small, and you should have no trouble accomplishing them.

With each goal you accomplish, it may build your self-esteem and confidence.

Instead of your goal being a HUGE mountain to climb, you break it down into manageable steps that may make it easier to reach the TOP.

Step #3: Determine Where You Need To “Cut The Fat.”

This one can apply to almost any area in your life.

It could be financial, personal or business, and your health.

You should look at your diet and determine where you can make changes.

Do you stop for a muffin?

Is there a better option?

So here is how to cut the fat!

Keep track of everything you eat in a food journal.

Keep track of it for a few days, a week, or even a month.

Write down everything!

Anything you eat, drink, or any supplements you take should be entered into your journal.

Determine how many calories you are eating each day and then determine where you need to make changes.

Or you need to ADD food to your diet.

This may help you keep track of when and what you eat

It may even surprise you.

Step #4: Now That You Have A Food Journal, The Next Step Is To Fix Your Problem-Eating Areas.

Now you need to determine where changes are needed.

You found you are lacking calories: Find a time for a snack or add fruit and vegetables to any meal.

You found you overeat: Find ways to spread your calorie intake throughout your day.

Whatever your problem areas are, now is the RIGHT time to develop a plan to fix them.

Step #5: Determine How To Fit More Exercise Into Your Day.

Are you a person who has a hard time fitting exercise in?

Or do you dread going to the gym and sweating?

I can’t really help you with the sweating; it is just a natural process!

Increasing physical activity may be the BEST option
 for losing weight and improving overall health

Exercise may alter cholesterol levels, increase good hormones flowing throughout your brain, and you may BURN extra calories.

Now is the time to figure out what might be the best exercise for you, and go for it.

Remember: You need to develop the RIGHT plan for you.

Exercise in the morning or with a friend.

When there is a will, there is a way!

Step #6:Re-evaluate

This is the time to check your progress.

And this MUST be built into your plan.

This is where you take a good look at your goals, your success so far, and then determine where you need to change.

If it’s working and you are happy, then just keep going.

If you are bored and not feeling challenged, then mix it up and make it more challenging.

By building re-evaluations into your plan, it allows you to honestly
look at your plan and change what isn’t working

Set Yourself Up For Success

Developing a successful plan for yourself may lead you down the road to better health and wellness.

Your plan should have short- and long-term goals; and with every milestone, a reward for accomplishing your goal.
You may also need to change a few things.

Adding exercise and paying really close attention may help you accomplish your weight loss goals.

Possibly in a shorter time!

Whatever your goals are, you need to RE-EVALUATE and determine if your goals are still what you want or what you desire.

My Favorite GOAL Mentor:

You Got This!

How to Get REAL HCG

The Online Site I Preferred to Buy My HCG from

It was brought to my attention that the online site I had purchased my 1st batch of HCG from is no longer functioning,the site was Pharmacy Escrow. After that purchase I found out that Pharmacy escrow and All Day Chemist were one in the same. I don’t know this for fact but wonder if the company simply decided to have the whole thing be under the All Day Chemist name. The second purchase I made was with I liked their prices and YES they were reliable!

After that I did buy from All Day Chemist so I could advise based on experience if someone asked my opinion.That site was fine, I wasn’t thrilled by the payment method they use but I got what I ordered with out any issue.

Below is an except of an older post of which HCG  I bought and the supplies I needed as well.

A prescription wasn’t needed. I prefer to get Hucog brand or the generic version of it. I have also used Corion and it was fine too. To save on the shipping and handling I always purchased 3 at a time. And since I preferred to do 40 day rounds I would buy 5000 iu. I have the mixing breakdown on this blog for both 5000 iu and 2000 iu. But I am most familiar with the 5000 iu. The bacteriostatic water can be bought online from medical supply and even bodybuilder websites. My very first round I bought a supply “kit” that had everything to get started except for the hcg. After that because I had examples at my fingertips of what I needed I would get everything on my own.

Link to How to Mix HCG

Link to How to HCG Mix Directions

HCG Drops – Yes or No

HCG DROPS – There are so many different choices now

QUESTION  – Hi , basically my major concern is getting the right product that works..and instead of the injections i would rather get the drops i purchased one at gnc and I did not even open the bottle because i am thinking this is not gonna work lol… anyway thanks for getting back to me ..Have a great day!

My Answer – After giving platelets, injections would bother me the least 😉

The environment of HCG has changed SO much since I started in Jan 2010.
The only reason I thought sub-lingual would be OK is because of youtubers that proved results like mamaclok. But really from reading pounds & inches I feel that doing it the way Doctor Simeon did it made the most sense. I hear from others that even clinics that advertise drops etc.tell you once they have you in the office that injections are the most affective.

All the products that are on store shelves I am not confident in. If real HCG must me refrigerated once mixed how is all the shelf stuff keeping its true potency?

Bottom line – I hit beyond my goal May of 2010. I just took MORE after pictures today in size 25 jeans (the smallest size MissMe carries). Plus my hair is growing better than before I knew about HCG ( my hairstylist is AMAZED). My doctor and his nurses all say I look so fit and young. These are the same people that treated a 208 lbs Colleen. So given all that if I had to make the choice all over again on the method to use I would do it all the same.

Get Pure HCG

I hope you are ok with my honesty –
Colleen =)
Please Keep me posted on how you do.

250 pound vs. 120 pound woman X-ray

Here is an image to help us strive to be healthier

I don’t think the x-ray is of the same person but I thought this was interesting.

How is the fat distributed in the two different body types shown in that picture? Here is the answer, in the form of images comparing a 120 pound woman with a 250 pound woman:

250 pound vs. 120 pound woman

The light yellow areas are fat. Note especially the huge deposits of fat in the abdomen around the internal organs in the 250 pound woman, as well as all the subcutaneous fat (just under the skin) . The black areas in many cases are air or gas spaces – note the lungs. Or liquid filled, as in the bladder. Note also the heart in the middle of the chest.

The white areas are bone. In descriptions  people have asked why the 250 pound woman has what appear to be thinner leg bones. This apparently in an artifact of the slice chosen for the image. Imagine that she is lying down and we take a slice out of the middle of her body. That is what we are seeing. The slice went through thicker bone in the 120 pound woman.

Also notice the ankles of the 250 pound woman. Heavy people often have pronation problems because of the stress of the extra weight on the feet

Glycemic Index And Your Quick Weight Loss

I feel once you are adding food back into your plan after HCG using the Glycemic Index can help

Glycemic Index And Your Quick Weight Loss

by Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES
Diabetics learned long ago the secret to maintaining a healthy blood sugar.  Monitoring the glycemic index, exercise, and medications can help to maintain a healthy blood sugar.  Fitness enthusiasts are now starting to delve a little more into the wonderful world of stable blood sugar as a way to lose weight without yo-yo dieting, which can cause mood swings and other things.

People are not resorting to medications, but are using the glycemic index and glycemic load of food as a way to balance not only their diet, but also their blood sugar.

Everyday people, bodybuilders, and athletes are turning more to the glycemic index of food and the new science of nutrition timing as ways to boost weight loss results and athletic performance.  The proper timeframes for the body to process nutrients and balancing the amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat will help with optimal results.

Even with nutrition timing, glycemic load, and glycemic index, there is still a large amount of confusion as to what each one is and how they affect the body.

Glycemic Index:

The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes

When we eat carbohydrates, there is a rise in blood sugar.  This rise is also associated with the pancreas reacting, causing a release of insulin in the blood stream to shuttle that sugar into the working muscles. This response of the body is automated depending on how much sugar is in the blood.  This is where the glycemic index comes in.  Carbohydrates are categorized according to how fast or slow the blood sugar rises in the body.

Foods rich in carbohydrates usually have an associated tag with them, which is the glycemic index.  There are three indexes that are classified in the index: High, Medium, and Low.  High indexed foods will digest quickly and have a fast absorption rate, leading to a sharp rise in blood sugar and resulting in a dual response of the pancreas, releasing a large amount of insulin.

On the opposite spectrum, a food classified as a low-glycemic indexed food will digest and absorb slower, resulting in a much slower rise in blood sugar, resulting in a slower release of insulin in the body.  This concept was originally developed as a way to help diabetic patients monitor the types of foods that they were eating, and maintaining a more stable blood sugar response.

Glycemic Load

You may hear the terms glycemic load and glycemic index used in the same sentence.  The glycemic load of food utilizes the glycemic index and the portion of carbohydrates to determine how the body will react.

For example, you take in a food that is high in the glycemic index, but a small portion of that.  There would be a subsequent release in the blood of sugar and insulin.

With the glycemic load, you might have the same response to a much bigger portion of a lower glycemic indexed food as you did with the small, high glycemic indexed food.

Low Glycemic Foods and Weight Loss

Maintaining a diet of food with a low glycemic index has been shown beneficial in a number of different areas.  In the study by Thomas et al, they determined that a diet rich in foods that have a low glycemic index resulted in higher weight loss, lower BMI, lower total fat mass, and a change in reduction in total and LDL cholesterol.

In a similar study, but one involving overweight children, Spieth et al, concluded that a low glycemic diet helped reduce body weight and body mass index in overweight children. The study involved 107 obese children.

They used a low glycemic indexed diet and a low-fat diet.  The results showed that children utilizing a low glycemic indexed diet lost an average of 3kg/m, giving stronger evidence that a low glycemic index diet might be beneficial to weight loss.

Research performed by Radulian et al, showed that low glycemic index diets also helped in rapid weight loss, decreasing in fasting glucose and insulin levels, reduction in triglyceride levels, and improvements in blood pressure.

These studies show some promising results, and more research should be done to continue to validate these alternatives.

Spieth, LE. Harnish, JD. Lenders, CM. Raezer , LB. Pereira, MA. Hangen, SJ. Ludwig, DS. A low-glycemic index diet in the treatment of pediatric obesity. Pediatr Adolesc Med. 20100 Sep: 154(9)947-951.
Thomas D, Elliott EJ, Baur L. Low glycaemic index or low glycaemic load diets for overweight and obesity. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD005105. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005105.pub2.
Campbell, B. Glycemic Load Vs. Glycemic Index.  Paper. NSCA
Foster-Powell K, Holt S, and Brand-Miller J. International table of glycemic index and glycemic load values: 2002. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 76:5 – 56, 2002.
Radulian G, Rusu E, Dragomir A, Posea M. Metabolic effects of low glycaemic index diets. Nutrition Journal, 29;8:5, 2009.

HCG Question of the Day-Broccoli and Coconut oil?

Can You Eat Broccoli and Coconut Oil on P2???


My wife is doing this diet and she is on day 24 and has lost 16lbs. She had read on some other site that your not supposed to eat Broccoli during phase 2. Is that true? And also when can you use coconut oil? We are seeing mixed things on coconut oil that it can make you stall.


First off I would like to commend you on being a good support for your wife,and congrats on her success so far!
Now here is the confusion with the protocol. The original manuscript did not include broccoli or coconut oil. During the time I did my rounds I did not eat broccoli even though I do like it. I didn’t do the coconut oil either. I did take MCT oil which has the benefits like coconut oil. I have seen coconut oil effect some HCGers very well yet others it will cause a stall or gain. So all I can say is if she REALLY wants it she should try it with caution,journal when she has it and log the results. That way she can see how it will work or not for her. Now back to the broccoli. I have heard some HCGers say they do a plan that also has an increased calorie count per day of 800 and it includes broccoli. So again if your wife really wants it, do same with journaling.That is the best way to identify a common thread with what works and what should be avoided.


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HCG Cooking Tips