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HCG – Thinking About Trying It But Have Questions

HCG Questions – My Experience with Protocol, Exercise, Stabilizing and Food.

Message sent to me;

-Hey. I’ve been thinking about doing the hCg program, but I am a little skeptical based on all the controversy that seems to surround it. It makes it hard to make a decision. Anyway, after searching on you tube, your videos have been the most beneficial and interesting to watch. 🙂 Congratulations on all of your success. 🙂 I have a few questions I was hoping you could answer, if you have time.

Q – 1. Have you noticed any unhealthy side effects since (or even during) performing the hCg protocol? A lot of the information I have read through tries to claim that the hCg protocol will help you lose weight but in the long run you are playing a dangerous game with your life (i.e. heart problems, cancer, etc.). Should I worry about any of this? Are these claims potentially true?

My Answer – Before protocol my Dr had me on Advair for my breathing, Nexium for heartburn, and my cholesterol was lousy but not to the point of  medication yet. I also had been hospitalized with a blood clot the summer of 2008. I felt that I was too young to be suffering all those ailments.

After seeing family that summer I made the decision to be semi vegetarian. Felt a bit better but not any huge difference. Then I did a long master cleanse fast. Because I really push the envelope as far as how long I did the fast I did experience some scary hair loss. But my breathing and heartburn got better. In 2009 I did end up with another blood clot.

My brother was concerned about me fasting and mentioned I should look into “this 500 calories diet on youtube”. I started watching the vlogs and Dec.2009 ordered my HCG and started my journey Jan 17, 2010.

Before starting I read Pounds and inches over and over again so I wouldn’t miss a single thing. Based on what I read of Dr Simenon’s protocol it made a lot of sense and I was excited to think that this really could be what would work for me.

Q-2. Some of the research I have read through claims that hCg can create acne problems. Is this true? Did you have this come up when you were on the protocol? If you did, how did you get it to go away? Did it just disappear after completing the protocol (you seem to have beautiful skin)?

My Answer – Because hcg is what helps pregnant women nourish the baby even if they aren’t eating enough this is my thinking on the changes it might make to our bodies while on it. Example, I knew when I was pregnant my hair grew great and fast but when I was done being pregnant my hair stopped growing as fast and lots the extra thickness I gained while pregnant. So I figured I might possibly go through the same scenario once I was done with HCG but that has NOT been the case. Granted I have taken a good hair vitamin before, during and after hcg. The most recent vitamin I have been taking for my hair has definitely increased my hair growth more that the others I have been on. Things like acne etc. again I thing it depends on each individual and how hormonal changes effected a person in the past during child bearing years.

As a side note I should also mention my cholesterol levels are now ideal – YAY!

Q – 3. What is it like trying to maintain your weight loss now? I’m sure you don’t eat poorly to stay as trim/fit as you are. So, I was wondering what your diet and exercise was like to stay as fit as you do? Do you always cook at home? Do you go out to dinner? Do you exercise? If so, how much?

My Answer –

One “beef” I have about the show “The Biggest Loser” is this, the trainers have the participants working out so hard and so much how on earth could a person living an average life keep that kind of regimen up?

I don’t have a gym membership but I do have treadmill. If I didn’t have that I know I could still go outside and walk. Other than that I do light weights to firm my arms.

I like to walk on a daily basis to keep my circulation going. The light arm weights are approx 3x per week.

I was going to experiment with the peak 8 theory but got a cold and didn’t get back to doing it. But just writing this is reminding me that I should.

Even before HCG I understood but just didn’t put into practice the importance of the glycemic index. My Grandmother was a double amputee because of wounds not healing because of diabetes. That right there was a motivation to understand what sugar does to our bodies.

Yes I do eat out (approx 2x a week) but I don’t like to go to fast food places (too many chemicals). I love cobb salads but ask for no bacon (never have been a fan) and since 200 calories can be saved by just omitting that I’m all for it. I do love blue cheese dressing but just don’t have it a lot. When I’m at home I really enjoy the mustard dressing I vlogged about so that is the one I eat during the week. I also love roasted veggies with either shrimp or chicken mixed in.

If I do eat sugar foods that aren’t fruit like almond Joy or ice cream I plan it around knowing I will be active afterward. If I’m not for one I feel too antsy and second I don’t want the sugar to store as fat.

I still love Mexican food, burgers etc. I just do it all within reason. During the week between my 2 jobs and helping other dieters I figure I will save my spurges for the weekends. Plus during the week the “clean foods” I eat I really crave and look forward to.

Also I don’t like to “mindlessly eat” so that good too. But if I need to take something with me when I’m on the go I love raw almonds, grapes, that kind of thing.

Q – 4. Without hCg, they say that a 500 calorie diet is terrible for you and you will quickly put back on the weight once you go back to a normal intake of calories. In addition, your body will store more in fat than it did previously in case of another low calorie (starvation) mode. However, what I have read with the hCg protocol, is that it resets your metabolism and therefore if you do gain weight subsequent to the protocol, you are no worse off than when you started the protocol (i.e. there is no surge in weight gain due tot he lack of calories). Is this true?

My Answer – I heard the same theory you mentioned when people talk about extremely low calorie dieting. Yes HCG is what makes the 500 calories intake doable without starvation. As far as I’m concerned it isn’t just about resetting metabolism but also creating a new “set point”. As you stabilize your body is getting use to the new weight each and everyday so it will want to stay at the new set point. So the longer you are at the lower weight the easier it is for your body to expect that to be the norm.

The person who asked the questions – That is all for now. I apologize for the list of questions. I was never very good at condensing what I wanted to say! 😉 Even if you end up not being able to reply, I think you should know your videos are very beneficial and inspiring. Thanks for posting! 🙂

ME – Please remember I am not a doctor etc. My answers are simply my opinion based on what I have experienced before, during and after taking HCG.

My goal is to help people through what I have learned during my journey.

HCG Before and After PROOF

HCG Before and After PROOF

A Picture is worth a thousand words

Before…Me on vacation in Oregon…After…Me in Hawaii for my brother’s wedding.

Wow What a Difference!

Cycling/Interuptions – Explained

HCG – This Article Inspired Me To Cycle;

I understood when making this choice that there was a possibility that stabilizing would be a uphill climb.I admit that I am a impatient person. I also want to point out that I respect and admire the HCGers that choose to do the rounds and breaks correctly as protocol is designed. Patience IS a virtue … I decided on the “fast track”…But hey, they (meaning me) don’t call me “lab rat” for nothing 😉 – Colleen

Here is another HCGer’s journey –

I have been getting lots of questions on cycling lately. It’s not something that I can give a short answer to (is anything ever in my world?) so I decided to write an article about it. There are several things that come into play that made me decide to do what I assumed would be my “final” round in cycles.

There are more than a few things that come into play – and these are things that I have personally come up with having months on months of PURIST PROTOCOL under my belt, along with rounds that totaled 8 weeks (1st Round), 6 weeks (2nd Round), 3 weeks (3rd Round) and 4 weeks (4th Round) before I even considered doing things this way.

Why do I say that? I get questioned sometimes about my pulling away from Dr. Simeon’s book, and what gives me that right? First, I have the right because I did 4 rounds (total of 21 weeks with a loss of 98.8 lbs) following his protocol to a “T” – I have the supporting data to find out what works and what doesn’t for me and I have used that information to make informed decisions on my own “self doctoring” path that I have chosen in My HCG Journey.

In looking over how I arrived at the decision to spend my 5th round in cycles, I considered the following:

      Head in the Game


      Minimum Course


      Unforeseen Interruptions


      P3 Breaks


    Jump Start Losses

Let’s go over this ONE by ONE.

Head in the Game

I wrote an article and in it was discussed the whole MIND GAME routine we play with ourselves and how it relates to the protocol. I have found that it is EASY PEASY to commit to a “short round” and have the OPTION of making it longer, than trying to do this long butt round and being disappointed in the results. So since I knew what the MINIMUM course was – I figured I could be on HCG for 3 weeks at a time. Ah, so then my next point logically is this:

Minimum Course

In his book Pounds and Inches, Dr. Simeon’s says this under “Duration of Treatment”:

We never give a treatment lasting less than 26 days, even in patients needing to lose only 5 pounds. It seems that even in the mildest cases of obesity the diencephalon requires about three weeks rest from the maximal exertion to which it has been previously subjected in order to regain fully its normal fat-banking capacity. Clinically this expresses itself in the fact that when in these mild cases treatment is stopped as soon as the weight is normal, which may be achieved in a week, it is much more easily regained than after a full course of 23 injections.

So it stands to reason that you can do a SHORT course as per his instructions with NO issues. In doing SHORT cycles like this, you will then ward off any possibility of “Immunity” that Dr. Simeon’s talks about in his book. In any case, I have my thoughts on IMMUNITY as well; in so much as it is NOT the factor that Dr. Simeon’s thought it was in his day. The unfortunate thing is that Dr. Simeon’s passed long before he could complete his research – but really, this is a thought for another day.

So we have established that 3 week cycles are AOK – now what about the breaks? Let’s look at what Dr. Simeon’s says about “Unforeseen Interruptions”:

Unforeseen Interruptions

Unforeseen Interruptions of Treatment

If an interruption of treatment lasting more than four days is necessary, the patient must increase his diet to at least 800 Calories by adding meat, eggs, cheese, and milk to his diet after the third day, as otherwise he will find himself so hungry and weak that he is unable to go about his usual occupation. If the interval lasts less than two weeks the patient can directly resume injections and the 500-Calorie diet, but if the interruption lasts longer he must again eat normally until he has had his third injection.

When a patient knows beforehand that he will have to travel and be absent for more than four days, it is always better to stop injections three days before he is due to leave so that he can have the three days of strict dieting which are necessary after the last injection at home. This saves him from the almost impossible task of having to arrange the 500 Calorie diet while en route, and he can thus enjoy a much greater dietary freedom from the day of his departure. Interruptions occurring before 20 effective injections have been given are most undesirable, because with less than that number of injections some weight is liable to be regained. After the 20th injection an unavoidable interruption is merely a loss of time.

In other words, he says there would be situations that would be needed to be considered where you had to take a break, you would have to have AT LEAST 800 calories and that if the interruption was LESS than 14 days you go straight back into VLCD with your first dose of HCG, but if it were LONGER than 14 days you would eat NORMALLY for two days with HCG and then the THIRD DAY would be a VLCD day with a dose of HCG. And he also tells us that after the 20th injection, you are pretty safe – so are you beginning to see my line of reasoning in my breaks?

I have chosen to keep my breaks while I am CYCLING this round to between 7 – 10 days long each. That is my choice. But you have until the 21st day on a break for it still to be considered a cycle because anything MORE than that would be an ENTIRE PHASE 3 break, and your round would be complete. A round is a COMPLETE Phase 2 and a COMPLETE Phase 3 – and then however many days you decide to do in Phase 4 – anything less than that it becomes a cycle (or it does in my world!).

So then, what happens when I am breaking for 7 – 10 days?

P3 Breaks

You have to follow the same procedure as you do with a regular P3 break; you do it with NO sugars and NO starches. This cycling thing is not for the faint of heart, no ma’am. You must maintain during the short break or your time will be wasted. Believe me, I speak from experience. This last short break I took has been the best so far since I started cycling, as I have lost a total of 7 pounds in 7 days. I started at only 2.4 over my LIW – and within 48 hours I was already below LIW and into “virgin territory”. Let me illustrate:

From LIW which was on August 18 (148.2) till today, September 9 (143.6) I have lost a total of 4.6 lbs in 21 days, of which only 10 of those days were VLCD, the other 11 days were spent maintaining and eating pretty much how I want. 4.6 lbs in 21 days on ANY weight loss program is pretty sweet. When you consider the loss of 4.6 lbs in 10 VLCD days? Well then, that is even MORE sweet. In other words, it WORKS for me.

Last but not least, as with anyone with a bunch of data behind them, they know one thing for sure:


Yup! I didn’t have to tell you this did I? I like those monster losses at the beginning and my head is way more into the game then, so why should I suffer? At first, I was like everyone else, afraid this wouldn’t work after the first time, but here I am over 100 lbs lost later, and it is STILL working. So that being said, that is why I chose to CYCLE.

How Many Ounces is 100 Grams? – Conversion Calculator

How Many Ounces is 100 Grams?

I get asked that a lot when HCGers are starting P2 protocol. I had the same question too.

Here is a good post to reference to figure it all out

BTW – 3.5 OZ equals 100 grams 😉

Conversion Calculator

Want to double that recipe…or cut it in half…or even thirds? Can’t remember how many grams are in an ounce or how many quarts in a liter? Click on our free, easy-to-use Conversion Calculator to quickly and easily convert dozens of standard and metric units. You’ll be able to find common equivalents for weight, volume, length, and calories in the quick reference table, and get precise, customized conversions with ease.

Weight Measures


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 lb. = 16 oz. 1 oz. = 0.0625 lb.
1 ton = 2000 lb. 1 lb. = 0.0005 ton


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 oz. = 28.35 gr. 1 gr. = 0.03527 oz.
1 kg = 1000 gm. 1 gm. = 0.001 kg.
1 lb. = 0.4536 kg. 1 kg. = 2.2046 lb.

Dry Measures


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 qt. = 2 pints 1 pint = 0.5 qt.
1 peck = 8 qt. 1 qt. = 0.125 peck


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 qt. dry = 1.101 l. 1 l. = 0.908 qt. dry
1 peck = 8.810 l. 1 l. = 0.1135 peck

Liquid Measures


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 pint = 2 cup 1 cup = 0.5 pints
1 qt. = 2 pints 1 pints = 0.5 qt.
1 gl. = 4 qt. 1 qt. = 0.250 gl.
1 gl. = 8 pints 1 pint = 0.125 gl.


Common Usage Reciprocal Value
1 US gl. = 0.833 Imp. gl. 1 Imp. gl. = 1.201 US gl.
1 Imp. gl. = 4.546 l. 1 l. = 0.2200 Imp. gl.
1 l. = 0.264 US gl. 1 US gl. = 3.7879 l.
1 l. = 1.0567 qt. liquid 1 qt. liquid = 0.9463 l.

How to Test your HCG

I am “injection girl” so when I want to be sure my HCG is potent I simply go to the Dollar Store and buy a pregnancy test for a dollar. Then I put some of my HCG on the test to be sure it still shows up “positive”. For those of you that do sublingual here is a youtube vlog that helps you test your HCG when you mix with colloidal silver and B12.

Best Tape Measuring Device

Here is a diagram I put together to help know where to measure on your body with the Myotape;

The Myotape really helps to make sure you are getting TRUE numbers.

Measure Chart

Where to purchase the myotape

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HCG Cooking Tips