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Stall Busters

Chiro Klenz-The Best “Clean Out” Tea

Detoxing Before HCG Protocol

I know many people prefer to do a detox regimen before starting their HCG P2 Protocol. And during protocol a lot of people need some assistance  with getting “regular”. As most of us know there are a few different teas that are made for this very reason. I first of about Chiro Klenz from a fellow HCGer who bought the tea from her Chiropractor.

As long as you realize that this tea will truly CLEAN you out, this is a great tea to use.

I’s not cheap but it WORKS!

Since posting my original post about the teas I like to use I have since been able to find Chiro Klenz reasonably priced On Amazon.

Below is the link to my original post and vlog about the teas I like to use;

HCG-Boost Your Releases with Ice Water!

Break a Stall or boost your Releases with this SUPER simple trick!

12 oz of Ice Water every  60 to 90 minutes.

I had first heard this Thermogenisis trick in the early 90’s and was reminded of it recently. I have already had some great comments back saying “yep it works”!

Do one better and drink Alkaline water for even more benefits!

If your teeth are sensitive to cold try drinking with a straw to bypass the teeth 😉

HCG- What Supplements I Take and the Benefits They Have

HCG Supplement Benefits

I’m asked all kinds of questions about what can help for cravings, releases, hair, you name it. I decided it was time to explain what I take, why,what it does and all the BENEFITS!

Where Can You Get the Supplements?

Good Health for the Entire Family

Cycling/Interuptions – Explained

HCG – This Article Inspired Me To Cycle;

I understood when making this choice that there was a possibility that stabilizing would be a uphill climb.I admit that I am a impatient person. I also want to point out that I respect and admire the HCGers that choose to do the rounds and breaks correctly as protocol is designed. Patience IS a virtue … I decided on the “fast track”…But hey, they (meaning me) don’t call me “lab rat” for nothing 😉 – Colleen

Here is another HCGer’s journey –

I have been getting lots of questions on cycling lately. It’s not something that I can give a short answer to (is anything ever in my world?) so I decided to write an article about it. There are several things that come into play that made me decide to do what I assumed would be my “final” round in cycles.

There are more than a few things that come into play – and these are things that I have personally come up with having months on months of PURIST PROTOCOL under my belt, along with rounds that totaled 8 weeks (1st Round), 6 weeks (2nd Round), 3 weeks (3rd Round) and 4 weeks (4th Round) before I even considered doing things this way.

Why do I say that? I get questioned sometimes about my pulling away from Dr. Simeon’s book, and what gives me that right? First, I have the right because I did 4 rounds (total of 21 weeks with a loss of 98.8 lbs) following his protocol to a “T” – I have the supporting data to find out what works and what doesn’t for me and I have used that information to make informed decisions on my own “self doctoring” path that I have chosen in My HCG Journey.

In looking over how I arrived at the decision to spend my 5th round in cycles, I considered the following:

      Head in the Game


      Minimum Course


      Unforeseen Interruptions


      P3 Breaks


    Jump Start Losses

Let’s go over this ONE by ONE.

Head in the Game

I wrote an article and in it was discussed the whole MIND GAME routine we play with ourselves and how it relates to the protocol. I have found that it is EASY PEASY to commit to a “short round” and have the OPTION of making it longer, than trying to do this long butt round and being disappointed in the results. So since I knew what the MINIMUM course was – I figured I could be on HCG for 3 weeks at a time. Ah, so then my next point logically is this:

Minimum Course

In his book Pounds and Inches, Dr. Simeon’s says this under “Duration of Treatment”:

We never give a treatment lasting less than 26 days, even in patients needing to lose only 5 pounds. It seems that even in the mildest cases of obesity the diencephalon requires about three weeks rest from the maximal exertion to which it has been previously subjected in order to regain fully its normal fat-banking capacity. Clinically this expresses itself in the fact that when in these mild cases treatment is stopped as soon as the weight is normal, which may be achieved in a week, it is much more easily regained than after a full course of 23 injections.

So it stands to reason that you can do a SHORT course as per his instructions with NO issues. In doing SHORT cycles like this, you will then ward off any possibility of “Immunity” that Dr. Simeon’s talks about in his book. In any case, I have my thoughts on IMMUNITY as well; in so much as it is NOT the factor that Dr. Simeon’s thought it was in his day. The unfortunate thing is that Dr. Simeon’s passed long before he could complete his research – but really, this is a thought for another day.

So we have established that 3 week cycles are AOK – now what about the breaks? Let’s look at what Dr. Simeon’s says about “Unforeseen Interruptions”:

Unforeseen Interruptions

Unforeseen Interruptions of Treatment

If an interruption of treatment lasting more than four days is necessary, the patient must increase his diet to at least 800 Calories by adding meat, eggs, cheese, and milk to his diet after the third day, as otherwise he will find himself so hungry and weak that he is unable to go about his usual occupation. If the interval lasts less than two weeks the patient can directly resume injections and the 500-Calorie diet, but if the interruption lasts longer he must again eat normally until he has had his third injection.

When a patient knows beforehand that he will have to travel and be absent for more than four days, it is always better to stop injections three days before he is due to leave so that he can have the three days of strict dieting which are necessary after the last injection at home. This saves him from the almost impossible task of having to arrange the 500 Calorie diet while en route, and he can thus enjoy a much greater dietary freedom from the day of his departure. Interruptions occurring before 20 effective injections have been given are most undesirable, because with less than that number of injections some weight is liable to be regained. After the 20th injection an unavoidable interruption is merely a loss of time.

In other words, he says there would be situations that would be needed to be considered where you had to take a break, you would have to have AT LEAST 800 calories and that if the interruption was LESS than 14 days you go straight back into VLCD with your first dose of HCG, but if it were LONGER than 14 days you would eat NORMALLY for two days with HCG and then the THIRD DAY would be a VLCD day with a dose of HCG. And he also tells us that after the 20th injection, you are pretty safe – so are you beginning to see my line of reasoning in my breaks?

I have chosen to keep my breaks while I am CYCLING this round to between 7 – 10 days long each. That is my choice. But you have until the 21st day on a break for it still to be considered a cycle because anything MORE than that would be an ENTIRE PHASE 3 break, and your round would be complete. A round is a COMPLETE Phase 2 and a COMPLETE Phase 3 – and then however many days you decide to do in Phase 4 – anything less than that it becomes a cycle (or it does in my world!).

So then, what happens when I am breaking for 7 – 10 days?

P3 Breaks

You have to follow the same procedure as you do with a regular P3 break; you do it with NO sugars and NO starches. This cycling thing is not for the faint of heart, no ma’am. You must maintain during the short break or your time will be wasted. Believe me, I speak from experience. This last short break I took has been the best so far since I started cycling, as I have lost a total of 7 pounds in 7 days. I started at only 2.4 over my LIW – and within 48 hours I was already below LIW and into “virgin territory”. Let me illustrate:

From LIW which was on August 18 (148.2) till today, September 9 (143.6) I have lost a total of 4.6 lbs in 21 days, of which only 10 of those days were VLCD, the other 11 days were spent maintaining and eating pretty much how I want. 4.6 lbs in 21 days on ANY weight loss program is pretty sweet. When you consider the loss of 4.6 lbs in 10 VLCD days? Well then, that is even MORE sweet. In other words, it WORKS for me.

Last but not least, as with anyone with a bunch of data behind them, they know one thing for sure:


Yup! I didn’t have to tell you this did I? I like those monster losses at the beginning and my head is way more into the game then, so why should I suffer? At first, I was like everyone else, afraid this wouldn’t work after the first time, but here I am over 100 lbs lost later, and it is STILL working. So that being said, that is why I chose to CYCLE.

How To Make Coconut Butter

Put unsweetened coconut in a strong blender, and blend and when you think it should be done blending , blend some more…wiping down the sides….. blend until almost  liquid consistency, and TA-DA –  you have coconut butter! You can add a little MCT oil if you want it spreadable.

Where to find ingredients for this recipe:

HCG – Mini Steak Day Explained

Question –

I listened to your vlog and then went to your website and you said “Steak was eaten if I decided to do a mini steak day. I use to like doing that one day a week during my rounds.”
Can you tell me exactly what you ate on your mini steak days and did this help with not stalling?
Would love to know!

Answer –

Back in the day there was a wonderful HCGer from the UK that would vlog and had wonderful results. She talked about a “propa” mini steak day. I started doing it too and liked doing it one day a week while on P2. All it is , is this – 4 OZ of lean steak and one apple. It is up to you if you want to divide it up or divide it though the day. I would get the best fillet Mignon in the butcher case and the tastiest apple  and save it all for my dinner portion. Of course drink lots of water and tea through out the day till then.

And YES – Every week ( I chose to do mini steak days on Saturday) I saw a NICE release to “cap off” the week 😉

The Fat Fast Explained – And How it Can Work with HCG

Atkins Article : The Fat Fast

Counterintuitive as it may sound, if you can’t budge the scale , a few days on this regimen may well allow you to break through metabolic resistance.

Certain individuals are so metabolically resistant that only more intense dietary restrictions prove successful. Once medications, thyroid problems and candida are brought under control, almost all overweight people who diligently adhere to the Atkins Nutritional Approach™ will lose and keep off weight. But for the small group of people for whom it does not work, more extreme measures are necessary.

To help these metabolically resistant people, Dr. Atkins has modified what he calls “the most effective weight-loss eating pattern ever described.” British researchers Alan Kekwick and Gaston Pawan developed it, and Frederick Benoit and his team confirmed its superiority in burning off fat, compared to an absolute total fast. This extreme diet consists of 1,000 calories daily, comprised of 90 percent fat. No other weight-loss regimen has matched its ability to burn off stored fat. Dr. Atkins modified the Kekwick diet to make it as enjoyable as possible and dubbed it the “Fat Fast.” He tried it on scores of patients and found it often worked for those who were unable to lose weight in any other safe, drug-free way.

The Kekwick diet forces the body into lipolysis so it burns its stores of fat. Lipolysis cannot take place if there is a significant source of glucose. Since all carbohydrates and some protein convert to energy by way of glucose, eliminating almost everything but fat from the diet forces even the most resistant body into lipolysis. That explains the 90 percent dietary-fat component. Lowering the caloric intake accelerates the need to burn up body fat—thus the 1,000-calorie limit.

The Fat Fast is one controlled carb program where you do have to count calories. You’ll eat 1,000 calories a day, with 75 percent to 90 percent comprised of fat. Frequent feedings prevent hunger better than three meals a day, so you consume five feedings, perhaps one every four hours, comprising 200 calories each. Because of the high fat content and frequent feedings, very few people experience much hunger. The stumbling block for some people is the absence of conventional meals. But most are willing to stick with it for a few days, even if the food selections are unfulfilling.

Caution: The Fat Fast is actually dangerous for anyone who is not metabolically resistant. For people who lose weight fairly easily, the rate of weight loss is too rapid to be safe. But it carries very little risk for people who can barely lose on any other regimen.

Step One: Eat Mostly Fat Begin with five 200-calorie feedings per day and follow for four or five days. Each item equals approximately 200 calories:

one ounce of macadamia nuts or macadamia nut butter two ounces of cream cheese or Brie one ounce of tuna or chicken salad with two teaspoons of mayonnaise served in one-quarter of an avocado two deviled eggs made with two teaspoons of mayonnaise two ounces of sour cream and two tablespoons black or red caviar two and a half ounces whipped heavy cream topped with sucralose zero-calorie syrup two ounces of pâté (check label for fat content) two egg yolks (hard-boiled) with one tablespoon of mayonnaise

Step Two: Modify the Fat Fast If increasing the fat-to-carbohydrate ratio and cutting calories work, any dietary change in that direction might get the job done. Next, you can try four meals a day of roughly 300 calories for a total of 1,200 calories. That should work, too, and what it allows is definitely more appealing to the taste buds:

two ounces of beef chuck (do not drain fat) cooked in two tablespoons of olive oil two scrambled eggs with two strips of nitrate-free bacon two tablespoons of full-fat sour cream with a tablespoon of sugar-free syrup one-quarter cup chicken or tuna salad made with two tablespoons of mayonnaise three ounces of pâté (check label for fat content) one-and-a-half ounces of macadamia nuts

*Thanks to the Atkins Center for the above article.

I personally simplify this whole thing down to doing just the one ounce mac nuts servings in 5 small bags. Which is 5 ounces total for the day;)

My Recent Experience –

When I got back from enjoying my brother’s wedding in Hawaii I could still wear all my clothes that I always wear quite comfortably. That is a good thing but I point this out because though I don’t think someone should have to take their scale on vacation, it is still very important to get back on track once you are back from happily indulging.
Sometimes how your clothes fit isn’t enough of a gauge and leads to the weight creeping back up on us.
This is what happened to me – I got back and on Monday (5-2-11) weighing in at 129.1. That is definitely considered “Danger Zone” for me. I did as I now call  the “nut fast” and this morning Wed.(5-4-11) I weighed in at 123.1.
So by tomorrow I should be back to what my body prefers which is 122.

As long as you keep on top of it, once you are at goal and everyday you have your new “set point” your body will strive to get back to that number.

That my friends is a very good thing 🙂

**A warning about the fat fast **
I want to point out two things about this “trick”.
You must go back to strict protocol after doing this (if on P2) or eat super clean afterward (P3&4) to give your body the time to adjust to the flux that just happened to  it.

Basically giving you body a chance to be o.k. with the sudden release and not try to go back to the weight it was before.

The other warning is  – Don’t do this for long, I would say 3 days MAX. I no longer have a gallbladder but those of you that do, the increase of fats in your system could aggravate the gallbladder and cause problems. Quite simply, you certainly don’t want that.

HCG Question of the Day – Fat Release Tricks

Question – TOM arrived (time of the month) and  I am experiencing water weight gain 🙁
If you have any suggestions that aren’t currently on your vlogs.. let me know cause I’m ready to be a rebel.. LOL

Answer – My goodness all the tricks I’ve tried, maybe I should put together a montage vlog.
For water weight  an apple day is a natural diuretic. You just have to be sure to limit your water intake the day you do the apples.

When on P2 I have liked doing mini steak days. All that is 4 oz steak and 1 apple for the day.
I also have done the fat fast which can be a few different foods but for me is only mac nuts. I divide up 5 one ounce bags for the day. Another trick I tried but didn’t get a chance to do it till I was done with P2 was the Mug Cake and Steak Day.
Many hcger’s have experimented with the later when on P2 and strangely enough experienced great fat releases even though it doesn’t seem to make sense. With all of these I have found that you need to be very strict on protocol or clean eating after these tricks or the release will be short lived.

Lunch: 100 grams of sirloin
Dinner: 100 grams of sirloin + Mac Mug Cake (recipe below)
Don’t forget to drink all of your water!

The recipe I preferred –
Mug Cake
1/2 oz Mac nuts ( ground)
1 tbsp coco powder
2 pkt stevia
3 tbsp heavy cream
1 tbsp coconut oil melted
And 1 egg

Mix it together and cook for about 60 sec.

Another Variation –
1/2 oz. of macadamia nuts (or 6 whole nuts), ground into a flour consistency
1/2 Tbl. dark cocoa
1/2 Tbl. cocoa
1-1/2 Tbl. xylitol
2 packets of Splenda for coffee, vanilla flavor (in the coffee aisle,optional)
1 egg
3 Tbl. heavy cream
1 Tbl. coconut oil
1 capful of s/f flavored syrup, Davinci or Torani (optional)
Fat-free Reddy Whip (topping, optional)

In a coffee mug, combine ground mac nuts, cocoas, xylitol, and splenda. Add one egg and mix well with a fork. Add cream and syrup and stir. Last, add coconut oil. If it clumps, break it up with a fork.

Microwave on high for 90 seconds. Some people had to microwave up to 2 more minutes. Let cool for a few minutes.

Top with fat-free Reddy Whip or any whipped cream around 10 calories per serving.

HCG- Question – APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, MSM, MCT – When to do what?

Understanding the ACV, MCT, MSM Usage

QUESTION – Do you do the acv/mct shots and the acv/msm shots? If so how often and how much of each?

My ANSWER – If I use MCI when not o P2 I’m getting that and ACV when I make my salad dressings etc.I also swig the msm liquid when I am applying my “skin recipe” on my face.So I’m getting the same ingredients without them being in a drink shot.

HCG Stall Question – Weight Loss Stall Help!

Help with HCG Fat Loss

HCGer Responded to a message from me – thanks I was afraid it wasn’t normal. most of the release I see on here are between .4 and .8. im afraid to try the cali kickers b/c it reminds me of the master cleanse and i hated that stuff lol! where do u get L glutamine from? that amino acid scares me too, reminds me of my biochem class lol!

My Response –
Yikes – I have no idea about your bio class but because you have that memory you probably won’t be up for it. =/ I did the master cleanse before I even knew hcg existed. I did it for 40 days!!! That right there tells you it was a GOD thing 😉 SO if Cali kickers isn’t an option I would say the next thing is to get the L-Glutamine going for any cravings you have.As far s releases the next trick “could be” ( not MEANT for P2 But has worked) CLA & GLA supplement. Once I heard about it during one of my P2 rounds I added them to the mix and have kept them ever since.
So there you go – my other “trick”ideas 😉

Colleen =)

Sugar Cravings – L-Glutamine
CLA & GLA – Helps the stored fat “hit the road”


More Stall / Plateau Help

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HCG Cooking Tips